a DOUGLAS COLLEGE D HATTER PAGE 3 =i WS REGISTRATICN - SPRING ‘84 The Registration Orientation meeting will be held: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1983 TIME: 1430 hours ROOM: 1812 Specific details of the registration pro- cess will be provided. Everyone partici- pating in the registration process should attend this meeting. The registration staffing list will be distributed before this meeting. MAPLE RIDGE HOLIDAY CLOSURE There will be no staff at the Maple Ridge Centre between 1600 hours on December 22 and 0830 hours on January 4. Therefore, if you telephone on these dates, most likely, no one will answer. If someone were there to answer, however, that someone would say, “Everyone at Maple Ridge wishes everyone at New Westminster a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Ful- filling Year of Peace in 1984." See you next year: Larry Davies Sherry Walker STRESS/TIME MANAGEMENT WORKSHOPS Are you stressed out and having trouble juggling your time? Come to the Stress and Time Management Workshops on January 19 and 26, and February 2 from 1000 to 1200 hours. Enrollment is limited to 18. Admission is free. Please contact Wendy or Connie in Counselling, 520-5486. NOTE: It is necessary to attend all three _sessions. IMPORTANT DATES FROM THE OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR Fri Dec 9 Grade packs sent to Chairmen/Directors Dec 15-22 Advance registration - career programs Dec 15-21 Exam week ; Mon. Dec 19 Deadline for calendar | copy submission Wed Dec 21 Grades due for courses | without a final exam | Dec 24-236 College closed Fri Dec 30 ALL GRADES DUE in the Office of the Registrar no jater than 1200 Noon Dec 3l-Jan 3 College closed Jan 4,586 Spring Registration Week Fall grades mailed to | students Mon Jan 9 Late registration/First day of classes Fall grade lists dis- | tributed to Chairmen/ Directors for verifica- tion | GRADUATION APPLICATIONS ATT: ALL INSTRUCTORS Please inform those students who are ex- pecting to complete the required credits for Spring Graduation, to pick up their graduation application form from the Office of the Registrar before February 3, 1984. | | | Your cooperation would be appreciated. Thank you for your attention. |