COLLEGE STATIONERY SUPPLIES In order to improve the stationery supply service for faculty and staff all college stationery supplies will be transferred to the bookstores effective October 9, 1973. Supplies will be available on a self-serving basis in the bookstores, but limited to the items listed on the requisition forms (see example of requisition form below). We feel the items listed will cover all normal needs. Items required which do not appear on the requisition form may be obtained through the Purchasing Office. The standard requisition forms are available in all departments and the bookstore on the New Westminster and Surrey campuses. To obtain an item from the bookstore all you have to do is: 1. 2 obtain a requisition form fill out the requisition by indicating the quantity needed for each required item on the form hand over the requisition form to the bookstore clerk on duty and assist her by identifying yourself as an employee of the college by showing her your college card if requested. to facilitate and expedite the system, no back-orders will be accepted. Since supplies will be readily available at all times in the bookstores departmental supply stockkeeping is no longer necessary. This change will help to cut down on the shortage of cabinet space. RICHMOND CAMPUS At present there is no bookstore at Richmond and a limited supply of stationery will be supplied for the staff on this campus. The campus clerk is authorized to requisition supplies for all faculty and staff. Of course any faculty member can sign a requisition, but normally this will not be necessary since all supplies will be available at the campus. We hope the above procedures will alleviate problems you may have experienced in the past. Should you have any questions regarding the above changes, please feel free to contact me. 3. 4. ' OLE NIELSEN SUP. ACCTS.: SERVICES. PRINTING DEPARTMENT NOW OPEN FROM 8.30 A.M ---- 5.00 P.M FOR SALE Golden Pheasants, young $7.00 mature...$9.00 Ringneck Pheasants..... .$4.00 Opwhl .. crim, 0s. e ass $3.48 BOCES HeYeend «Fs. 5 chs $1.25/bale Telephone: John Smith, Warden Serpentine Fen 594-9901