Douglas has community... ssc). A; a former Douglas College student, I’ve often said that what Douglas is lacking is community. While I was here, I was part of the Douglas Students’ Union (DSU) and that was a constant lament. I’d constantly hear or make comments like “Douglas students are apathetic” and “this is only a two year college, nobody cares.” Outside of the DSU, program, and Other Press cliques, there seems to be little community on the surface. However, perhaps Douglas isn’t as lacking in community as everyone seems to think. } Many of my friends at SFU are from Douglas College. While everyone at Douglas seems to think that I’m an anomaly, I’m beginning to think that I’m not. I visit Douglas two days a week, but according my SFU compatriots who are also Douglas College alumni, so do they. They come to visit teachers and employees that they’ve formed relationships with. That’s something that Douglas College is good at. I stop to chat to people that I met here every time I’m here. I know Douglas College employees by name and they know me. It’s these relationships that alumni come back for. This is the basis of what I’ve deemed “the hidden Douglas College community.” You see, Douglas doesn’t have a community that you see at large demonstrations or big concerts. Instead, it has a quiet, rarely visible community. Most people expect the loud, vibrant, demonstrating kind of community * when they first come to college. Douglas College doesn’t fit that, but I believe that it has something much better. The kind of community that Douglas offers is longer lasting. It consists of people who see each other every day or every week for roughly two years. You don’t see them once and then not until the next rally or booze fest. The Douglas College community means more to its members than that. The community at Douglas reminds me of a neighbourhood really. In times of crisis, it comes together; it cries together when someone’s dog dies or when * someone’s house gets broken into. It is a tight-knit group of people that talk to - each other and care about each other. Douglas is that kind of place. You don’t become a number like you do at university; you can use your name and people know who you are. You don’t get lost in the crowd because everybody knows each other. So the next time you hear that Douglas College has no community, think about who you interact with on campus. Who do you talk to on a regular basis? Where do you fit in the hidden Douglas College community? The Other press is hiring! ILLUSTRATOR photographer > ORIGINAL STYLE WANTED > DETAIL ORIENTED >» MUST BE GOOD WITH >» KNOWLEDGE IN SLR DEADLINES CAMERA REQUIRED GREAT EXPERIENCE! , WELL PAID! as Contact Liam Britten at