com Arts & Entertainment Editor Kali Thur submit_to_culture@y Features Editor Melissa Beedle Syn ew el icg Darren Pate PMC BEM oor e teh aT opd Proofreader Barbara K. Adamsk Graphics I eM Ter Simon Hatton > r Photography Brent Morle klurch80. Web/IL.T. Ed Advertising Manager I TCE n tas Derek Uneless Office Manager PEANUT BUTTER AND FISHIN Ry Brady Eller and Dustin Eadie Editor’s comic came to us in Note— This response to last week’ “Mailbag.” It has not been edited. If it had, I would have removed my name from it. Why, oh why, do you people insist on pulling me into your little lovers’ quarrels? Why cant we all just get along? HI STEVE, | KNOW | LOOK DIFFERENT IN THE PHOTOS, BUT I'M YOUR NET GIRLFRIEND “SWEETGURL_69". | THOUGHT I'D DROP BY AND SUPRISE YOU!!! $0... WHEN Ay CAN WE HAVE SEX? i «- — oF FLESH!!! Submission Guidelines The weekly deadline for submissions is Wednesday for publication All other submissions should be forwarded to the appropriate the following Wednesday. Letters to the Editor, vacant sections, section editor. Please include your name, phone number/email and “time-sensitive” articles (weekend news, sports, and cultural address, and word count, and submit via email as an MS Word.doc reviews) will be accepted until Saturday noon and can be submitted attachment to the attention of the appropriate editor. to the editor at: . Illustrator OPW ec Q@atiitesercl ny POrrg iced Brady I wah @ | OUNEPPPess News fergie1b Opinions opinionsubmit@ A&E Features mbeedle@ Sports ddp20 David Lam Representative opdavidlam @ The Other Press is Douglas College's autonomous student newspaper. The Other Press is run as a collective and is published weekly during the fall and winter semesters, and monthly (as a magazine) during the summer. We receive our funding from a stu- dent levy collected every semester at reg- istration, and from local and national advertising revenue. The Other Press is a member of the Canadian University Press (CUP), a cooperative of student newspapers from across Canada.We adhere to CUP’s Statement of Common Principles and Code of Ethics—except when it suits us not to. The Other Press reserves the right to choose what to pub- lish, and will not publish material that is racist, sexist, or homophobic. Submissions may be edited for clarity and brevity if necessary. Oeuoner § 13/2000