VOTETO To All Douglas College Students, On behalf of 20,000 full and part-time students at Simon Fras encourage you to vote in favour of renewin Federation of Students, er University I '¢ your membership in the Canadian We believe that in order'to achieve rights and fair treatment for all students, it is critical that students from across Canada work together. Through our alliance with other student societies, we have a strong voice in Ottawa and Victoria on all issues which affect us as students, ; The current tuition fee freeze in British Columbia was the result of the collective pressure of Simon Fraser and other member campuses. Together, we convinced the government and the general public that freezing tuition fees would be a good idea. The Federation has seats on a varie Simon Fraser students began their represented on the committee that simpler for college students, ty of provincial government committees. Many education at Douglas College. The Federation is is trying to make transferring to university much Yet representation is not the only reason Simon Fraser students belong to the Canadian Federation of Students, It also provides us with a wide variety of services including the Studentsaver Card which provides discounts at local restaurants, Stores and services, and the free International Student Identity Card which provides access to reduced travel fares. It is important that Simon Fraser and Dou glas students work together. I urge you to vote yes! Sincerely, fia Joey Hansen President RENEW MEMI RYERSON STUDENTS’ ADMINISTRATIVE CO Conseil administratif des étudiant(e)s de R February 13, 1998 Dear Douglas College Students, The Executive of the Ryerson Students’ Administ Counci ,,Local 24, would like to encourage you to your membership in the Canadian federation of § In these uncertaing times of funding cutbacks, rit! fees, increasing student debt and high youth unen there is strength in numbers. We at Ryerson have valued our membership in dian Federation of Students. It has provided us to share information with other member schools, from research and lobbying done by the national 4 provincial offices and perhaps most importantly g forum in which to join with others and fight for ac quality post-secondary education. In solidarity, aN ‘Luca Gord Tanner RyeSAC President RyeSACV.P. Eduac 380 Victoria Street, Room A62, Toronto, Ontario, M6B 1W7 Tol: (416) 597-0723 Fax: (416) 597-6575 Email: To All Students at Douglas, + Union encourages : Regina Student um on The University of ferendum 0 : ming re ion of you to vote yes oe a oe Canadian Federation renewing mem ia Students. ; Regina have bene’ : Students at the University a oa the CFS, both in because of greatly from rtant advocacy work eA terms of Lhe save students money. ii CFS services essful in bringing 18S r we have oe se the forefront of the federal Togethe ent e need to that affect us as stud re than ever, ice that 0 +s agenda. Now mor spas oe ane ith a strong united vol - . os membership provides. y ote YES to renew ed members ip in the Canadian S OCIETY FEDERATION OF STUDENTS igh pear Hello Douglas College Students! i wed iti to vote in favour of rene RS eae Renin of Students in the ipi dian membership in the Cana referendum starting February 23. ee The greatest issues facing roe ces . siete bar iesi ok —tuition fe st Se en ney more — are the same issues that i es Sent: at other colleges must deal with a | institutions are affected by ense that we work ent is dealing with t al Because students at government decisions it only makes - together to make sure that the govern all of our concerns. * ie orking together we have secured a tuition = cone ee ayant in BC. By renewing Uy nvachenitaa : a continue to advocate for students rights. ip inthe | urge you to vote in favour of renewed membership ea ; i f Students. Federation of Stade! Canadian Federation o Sincerely, Sincerely, Marjorie Brown Joanne Heck President Chairperson