The Other Press February 28,1986 Page 7 TAndaayet i we@pssualiigiy ou tterrifi rq land Go coo nS : TINA Beat Biati@ricc csp a @ esda C herg? |wi ti : : eo eee titimae. py@*Deadlinel@wi Se et eee i P_P Tuesday March gat SH: 00iGoniPharrPblesIPtryiPto Get Pst usin Pence MG! chi@jeasie yout@ Wwilltherefor Pheginiggipn! GV ednesday gh heed n {ead eh Gan dpvilliglikely Continugye A@ifor. ue ill ariv: nd, @rilliancd@on[ QF riday[ @theGe4th 7 IP eaG and@y Si Pogiva (BP atridc ee al? WARNING: Health and Welfare Canada advises that danger to health increases with amount smoked — avoid inhaling.