. Thursday, November 20, 1980. The Other Press Other Sports| las delayed in interior page nine - Doug by GREG HEAKES Armed with a load of badminton players in the back of a station wagon, the Douglas College coach, Rob in Ryan, took off for Kam- loops last weekend. They were aware that some of their top players would be staying home and they were aware there was some kind of fitness work- shop was going on at the same time, but what they weren't aware of was that they would have to wait five hours before they could be- gin to play. Coach Ryan described the event as an “‘organized mix- up.”’ Douglas played a total of 75 matches in the round- robin tournament held last Saturday at Caribou College. For Douglas it was one tournament they couldn't miss if they wanted to compete in the inter-colleg- iate BC’s. The Caribou tournament is one of the qualifying events for the Totem Con- ference championships to be held next March in Kam- loops. Ryan admits being dis- couraged when they first arrived because they could not start when originally planned at 9:30 am. It seems that a province wide fitness seminar was being conducted in the gym so Douglas had to wait an extra five hours before they could play. “At first I didn’t think it would work out. They warn- ed us about this but I still thought we would start on time and get a full day in,”’ stated Ryan whose full day ended up extending from 2:30 pm. till 10:30 pm. Strong performances came from the mixed doubles team of, Arthur Chin and Lisa Bolivar as wel as men’s singles player, Tim Stokes, who got in as a last second replacement. Due to a couple of key injuries and. usual circum- stances, Douglas was forced to make a number of lineup changes before and during the course of the tourna- ment. The biggest setback was the loss of Marlene Sheelar who stayed home with a torn trapezius (pulled shoulder muscle). “That wasn’t the team I expected to take, we had to make a lot of switches and changes,’’ said Ryan in a telephone interview Tues- day. One of the most pleasing surprises was the play of their spare, Stokes, who came into the men’s singles match as a replacement for Serino Pereira after Pereira suffered a leg cramp halfway through the match. Stokes battled back and found himself tied at 13 against a Malispino compet- itor. Stokes was given a break and won the match after his opponent elected to play to 15 instead of taking a five point set. “Both players were so pooped they didn’t even notice their bird was beaten to death. It was one hell of a match,’’ stated Ryan. In men’s doubles action Saturday, Douglas had to make another replacement after starter Vince Lamb couldn’t make the trip be- cause his father became ill. Brian Kennedy stepped in to replace Lamb and teamed up with southpaw Mike Wel- ham. Kennedy and Welham faired well despite having problems with their serves. The mixed team of Chin and Bolivar finished third taking wins from BCIT, Prince George and Caribou. They lost the title to the defending champions from Malaspino. In women’s doubles action two first year players, Laurie McDonald and Shaorn Hev- gin were credited with a single win. They beat BCIT and took the duo from Prince George to three matches. Tournament p. 10 Youre Le Ti ing hit geT his range. Oonl Do ThAT he!/ Mute you. Ti€ hin UP. The Douglas College Badminton team travelled to Kamloops Caribou College Saturday for their first tournament of the year. Photo by Clint Longley TAEre'’s The Gell PAu! Fle ShoolsAanother &fT OK Corts Oul Swing Which BubbA SAw ¢ 2 7ing GvbbA with ABody Qlocked. on = DBubbaGe7s The (1andaTory Eigh*. And The_Vision_ Tés7.¢ The Fight Continue 5. OK Pins Bubba ON The POPES Ane Pumishes Aim. a 4) righT Aook To The Body 1s locked, By Bubba. bh) Thats iT ifBover Bubba's Corner Just Threw iN The Towéd. he's Suffered Enough, Rye] For One Fight. Salic! Punch on The Batlom, The Didi? Clock th GAT, iE A “a, dS, M4 ore BuT Not The ‘(a . LefT Hook. He Ca Air with es Peres 7) right uppercut. Biabba's Falling For The Secowd TIME iNTHWS ‘ound. So Ladies Ane Genilemen Gubbp Geconés KA Th.O. viclin of The OK kid 57 Another f