We Brought Our Own Balls: Lebowskifest 2007 Kevin Lalonde and Chelsea Mushaluk, OP League Bowling Champions Tee it’s not publicly known, the Other Press has a bowling team. Sometime in early 2006, some of us got together to watch The Big Lebowski, the brilliant 1998 Coen brothers comedy, and after a few dozen beers, we decided that there can’t possibly be anything better in life than bowling, eating nachos, and drinking White Russians, all in our bathrobes. If you haven’t seen the film, you probably have no idea what I’m talking about. In the film, Jeff Lebowski / The Dude (played by Jeff Bridges) is mistaken for a millionaire who shares the same name as he. With the help of his bowling buddies Walter and Donny (played by John Goodman and Steve Buscemi), The Dude attempts to seek restitution for a damaged rug, peed on by the thugs of a wealthy pornography producer. Furthermore, the Dude never takes off his bathrobe. Naturally, the film has one of the biggest and most ridiculously zealous fan bases on Earth. For those unfamiliar with the event, a few years ago, some genius decided to honour this comedic masterpiece by throwing a two-day convention themed around the film down in Vegas, which was soon dubbed Lebowskifest. In the style of other orgiastically geeky fan events (like the ever-popular Star Trek convention), Lebowskifest would feature music, drinking, social events, merchandise, and costume competitions. Normally that might seem a little too over-the-top for me, but when that means I can rock out and drink in my bathrobe with a whole bunch of cool geeks, I’m so there. And when it was announced that Lebowskifest 2007 would be held in Seattle, we all pooped our pants in excitement. And so it was decided, before an OP bowling night last week, that we would gather our bathrobes and head down to Seattle for an evening of White Russians, music, and general geekiness. Our excitement waned, however, when Continued on Pg 8