$$ douglas college (604) 520-5400 700 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, B.C. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2 Inside INSIDE New Look, New Name lililll The Mad Hatter has served Newsletter in sufficient numbers Douglas College well over the to students," Bell said. years, but with the increase in "I know there are a lot of demand for information on the people who are attached to the College from the community at | Mad Hatter, but hopefully these large, a time for change has changes will improve internal come. and external communications. It : Starting this issue, the Mad will certainly be more readable." Athletics Update 3 Hatter will be different, includ- ing its name..."Inside." The "look" and the "writing" will be more professional. All ange > | submissions will still be ac- cepted, but in many cases they will be rewritten to fit in toa proper newsletter style. "Where the Mad Hatter had a folksy and somewhat unprofes- sional look, Inside will be easier to read and not quite so parochial,” said Public Informa- tion Officer Bill Bell. "Tt will still serve internal To p S O p rano Inside Douglas College is published needs, but be of interest to the 2) weekly September through May and bi- : " e rfo rt : ! S At scabies Junathrdllgh Magust by the student and community readers. Group Advising Sessions _2 Understanding Leadership 3 ae Faculty Visits Momoyama 4 Innovation Abstracts 6 Douglas College Public Information Office. : ly an exten- D | Submissions are due Tuesday noon for pub- F There + coe ee 0 Ug as lication the following Tuesday. Submissions | Sive list of requests from len a are accepted typewritten or on floppy disk community members and agen- I Soprano Leslie Allison is in Word Perfect or ASCII format. Material may be edited for brevity and clarity. Tips, _— to be put on the newsletter ee agspnian a x scoops and suggestions are always wel- mailin £ list. 1988-89 Encore Series, come. Please contact the Public resented by Douglas College eee ne eee nes ee pate rane: pi the New Weanhinecr i quests to distribute the continued on page 2 1