yc douglas college © Inter Office Memo Date : —__October..20,. 1986. To: All College Employees From: Bill Day Re: ORGANIZATION OF THE APPLIED PROGRAMS DIVISION In the August 11th edition of the MAD HATTER, I announced the creation of a committee, comprised of Ross Cameron, Director of Personnel & Labour Relations, Terry Clement, retiring Dean of Applied Programs, and Gordon Gilgan, Dean of the Academic Division. Its task was to review the structure of the Applied Programs Division in the light of the opening of two administrative positions - Dean of Applied Programs, and Director of Nursing. The comittee was required to respect the basic integrity of Programs presently operating in the Division. Recommendations were not to increase overall administrative and support costs of the Division. The committee heard presentations from the 3 Directors of the Division, who also presented views of interested faculty. It has now made its recommendations to me. The committee's primary recommendation was that the present Nursing Department be divided into two departments - General Nursing, and Psychiatric Nursing, each with its own Director, answering to the Dean of Applied Programs. | have accepted this recommendation. The organizational implication of this will be to clarify and simplify operations in the field of Nursing. Some reductions of present time allocations at the Coordinator level will be dictated as a result of these changes. These will occur in consultation with the faculty involved, and within existing budgetary limits. | have instructed the Personnel Department to post the two new positions immediately, on the understanding that the actual division of the existing Department will occur following the naming of the two new Directors. The major curriculum project in which the present Nursing Department is currently involved, involving a separation and clarification of the General Nursing and Psychiatric Nursing Programs, will continue as a staff function, as planned, under the authority of the Dean, and with the collaboration of the two new Departnents . Simultaneously, we are advertising for the position of Dean of Applied Programs. I am naming Jim Sator as Acting Dean of Applied Programs, effective November 1. Terry Clement continues in the position nominally, until then, although Jim will be acting on his behalf during that period. ‘An Acting Director of Business and Administration will be named as oO soon as possible. A specific announcement in this regard will be made shortly. ¢ WLD: bb J \ ~~ ~~ — ae ~