Student Assistants Departments wanting to hire Student Assistants for the Fall Semester (September) should submit ane aa to the Student Placement Office - a request for Non-Teaching Personnel (P-40), authorized by the head of your department, which specifies the number of students you wish to hire. - a brief job description /- qualifications Thank you, Connie Doherty, Student Placement Staff and Student Photo I.D. Cards Please be advised that the Student Society (Room 2780) issues the photo 1.D. cards on Mondays only from 1200 - 1600 hours. Staff updates are to be obtained from Pat Thomasson. Thank you, Merrilyn Houlihan Thank You Thank you for the cards, flowers and expressions of sympathy for our recent loss. It is greatly appreciated. Helen (Cooper) Smith, Terri-Lynn and Michelle Cooper Wanted - Two adult seasons passes to EXPO Will pay $130.00 or trade six 3 day passes. Please call Hilary Cheung at local 4229 Bike For Sale Boys 18" - 10 speed Like New $45 Call Pa gate