a A MEMBER OF ARTHUR YOUNG INTERNATIONAL © Woods Gordon ; Management Consultants 1700 Continental Bank Building 12504101 Street April 22, 1986 Fetrmonton, Canad 15.1aP4 lelephone: (403) 423: 5811 Mr. William L. Day, President Douglas College P.O. Box 2503 New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2 Dear Mr. Day: Woods Gordon has been retained by Westerra Institute of Technology to assist in the recruitment of: 1) Vice President, Client Services 2) Vice President, Program & Learning Systems 3) Director of Personnel As part of the recruitment process, we are sending a copy of the adver- tisement to all College Presidents across Canada. In addition, the ad will be placed in the Association of Canadian Community Colleges' "College Canada". Could you please circulate the attached advertisement and post it if possible. If you know of anyone interested in talking about the oppor- tunity, please feel free to have them call me at (403) 423-5822. Thanks for your cooperation, we appreciate your continued support. Yours truly, K. Darwin Park Principal CO Woods Gordon KDP/bem vt