pO Gl KS COLLEGE LIE ane ARCHIVES February 15, 1982 —— i TO:: ALL COLLEGE PERSONNEL FROM: BILL DAY SYSTEMS & COMPUTING - NEXT 3-12 MONTHS PLANS FOR THE At a recent Management Committee meet- ing, Marsh Price, Manager of Systems and Computing, reported on his pro- posed activities over the next 8-12 months. In the belief that his report will be of interest to all of us, I am printing it in the Mad Hatter. If you have any questions, please see Marsh when he returns from vacation on February 22nd, or direct them to any member of Management Committee. REPORT TO MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE FROM: MARSH PRICE, MANAGER, SYSTEMS AND COMPUTING I have officially taken up residence at the McBride Site, in the 700 Build- ing, and can be reached at local 252. My direct involvement with Kwantlen College will be reduced gradually over the next two months as Kwantlen has hired a replacement for the position who will begin duties February 15, 1982. I intend to keep all system's oriented lines of communications as "open" as possible as there are many areas of common concern. Co-opera- tion will benefit both institutions. The Systems and Computing role may be viewed primarily as one of admin- istrative support. However, I feel I can contribute much toward the College as a whole. Care must be taken to ensure that no interference is put in the way of the process of instruction. The College must, on the other hand, be ensured of good value for its computer hardware and software dollars. This is especially true of the micro-computer and Word QO q Nw 9S Mad Hatte % Douglas College ater | Sot Seek Se oe Processing areas. In the next | few months I intend to pursue the following topics: 1. A Computer Equipment Standards Policy with particular bias toward commonality of equipment types. This will be done in conjunction with Purchasing. 2. A survey of computer related needs for each division or department. There should be a well articulated curriculum statement accompanying any equip- ment request and/or a cost/ben- efit statement. Hardware and/ or software can then be recom mended which will best satisfy the proposed use. In other words, the need/use must be measured before the equipment is chosen. 3. The Computer/Data Processing User Group of the Project Devel- opment Committee will be used as a vehicle to make a recommenda- tion with regard to a central "mainframe" computer for the new building. This group has a target date of April 30, 1982 to table a recommendation with. the PDC. In addition to the major topics men- tioned above, there are a number of developments underway conceming com . puter usage by the College: - The past couple of years have brought to the College demands for more information from the Ministry . of Education. To meet that demand | an accounting code structure called | PACS was adopted by all B.C. col- i leges to provide for uniform cost- | ing of expenses. - The Ministry also designated, for | administrative functions, two com | puter "streams"; IBM and DEC, along | with most other B.C. Colleges.