May 31, 1982 DEVELOPMENT OF 1983/84 BUDGET TO: ALL COLLEGE PERSONNEL FROM: We have just received full information on requirements of the Ministry of Hd- ucation for our 1983/84 budget submis- sion. There are some significant differences between this budget and previous bud- gets, which warrant this special com This budget submission, and succeeding ones, will be prepared on the basis of three levels of category, in all ser- vices and activities of the college. LEVEL I A listing of college activ ities (Budget Decision Units) totalling last year's budget in constant dollars. A listing of the next level of college activities, as- suming an inflationary in- crease which allows the col- lege to keep its previous year's purchasing power. Activities that the college wishes to add, should addi- tional purchasing power be made available. LEVEL II LEVEL III Levels II and III are to be prioritized by BDU in terms of the source of fimd- ing. For example, activities funded under MAC would have their own priority listing, as would other activities funded under the Academic Council. Provision is made for activities which are interlinked. The college is re- quested to consider previously-announced provincial priorities in its decisions. BILL DAY Budget estimates for activities to be commenced during the fiscal year are to be provided for the subsequent two years, in order that "down stream" impacts can be assessed by the provincial Councils and the Ministry. The 'good news' is that this system fits very well into our annual cycle of 5 Year Educational Plan review and budget pro- jections. It forces us to consider clearly our institutional priorities, and the trade-offs, involved in choosing new directions or activities. On the other hand, the process of formal priority assignment makes more difficult the work of cooperative budget planning at the Divisional and Departmental levels. It is quite easy to discuss budgets when stability or growth is implied, and much more difficult to discuss budgets when built into them is a "plan B" which could result in reduction of activities! As usual, these materials have been made available to us at a late date, and must be completed quite quickly... (by June 30), and at a time when many faculty are on holiday. The Deans will decide upon the language of analysis (BDU), based on the particular nature of the Division. All functions of the college will be as- signed by the Deans, subsequently by the Management Conmittee, and finally by my- self, into one of the three categories of recommendation to the Board.