continue reduced ete See reaphic stze. ag 1 a 1 Faculty 1 each guideline S pro- cedure as ones ave developed. tenee and con- s educational FACULTY ORIENTATION WORKSHOP Douglas College Professtonal Development Committee has set up two tnformal workshops to inform Faculty about teaching areas in the college with which they may not be famtltar. These two workshops - the first tn Newton, the second tn Coquitlam - will provide an in- formatton base about new pro- grams presently at the college. As a followup, the two college- wide professtonal development days, May 13 and 14, will in- vesttgate some probable and posstble developments tn col- lege educatton tn the 1980's. SO - BE INFORMED - ATTEND Wed., Aprtl 16 (4-6 p.m.) NEWTON CENTRE - Tour and pre- sentation followed by wine & cheese (gratis) Wed., April 23 (4-6 p.m.) COQUITLAM (Winslow School) Pere Oe o ABE Ri osse (gratis) ITEMS FOR SALE The D.C. Butlding Construc- tton program at vartous times throughout the year has an accumulation of student pro- jects which wtll be sold ona cost recovery basis. Some of the items available are: VANITIES, complete with arbor- tte tops, tm vartous sizes. WOOL SHEDS (8' wide X 12' Long) with duroid roofing or eedar shingles or shakes. CEDAR PICWIC TABLES will be avatlable by the end of April. For further informatton on any ttems you may wish to pur- chase, contact Don Currte, Butlding Constructton Instruct- Or, Wewton Centre, 591-1111, local 16.