CO. al SS Mad Hatte A Douglas College Newslette am oo Monday, December 3, 1979 e Li BRARY TASK FORCE ON PROCEDURES on nner VES The Task Force on procedures is meeting regularly with encouraging results. Jack Finnbogason and Win Matheson have jointly taken on the task of trying to develop procedures from the analysis done by the Matrix Committee. The completed first-draft copies of procedures will be circulated to the dept. chairmen on Mon. Dec. 10 at 4-6 p.m. in room 704, N.W. Campus. Each chairman will be asked to circulate copies to discipline convenors and program supervisors who will share these with their faculty members. We will be seeking feedback on the initial drafts for further rewrites by mid-January. The members of the Task Force include Win Matheson, Marilyn Smith, Dave Driscoll, Joy Page, Ken Moore, Mary Fewster, Eugene Hrushowy, Jim Sator, David James, Silvia McFadyen-Jones, Roy Duggan, and Reg Pridham. If you have any questions regarding this process please feel free to contact any member of this committee to register your ideas or concerns. «+e-.ReEg Pridham FINAL EXAMS This is a reminder that it is College policy that no test valued at more than 10 percent may be given in the two weeks prior to exam week (December 3-14). Holding acai exams in the weeks prior to the final exam week is detrimental to students because it creates conflicts prior to exam week. Students miss other valuable class time in order to study for or take the "final exam". Your co-operation in honoring this policy will be appreciated by students. -.-eMarilyn Smith NEW SALARY RATES & RETROACTIVITY PAY FOR FACULTY The newly negotiated salary rates will be incorporated into the November paycheques for sessional Faculty and into the December oe for regular eet oe De aes - more - a