UU GU GORANI Eu: VEE) vr: A AUSTRALIA QU Bes LANGARA 100 West 49th Ave = = | Gai (mal SE ARCTIC ALASKA EXPLORATIONS OF JUNGLE RIVERS Australian Adventure - Set of 3 lectures, Nov. 5, 12 and 19 at 7:30 p.m. Exploring Jungle Rivers - Set of 2 lectures, Nov. 26 & Dec. 3 -7:30 p.m. Arctic Alaska - Set of 3 lectures, January 7, 14 and 21 at 7:30 p.m. WITH CONNTER HELMERICES Instructor ‘rs. Helmericks, a woman adventurer, formely with Columbia Lecture Bureau has travelled most of the (.S.A. presenting lecture Series on the above three subjects. In 1972 her book Australian Adventure was published by Prentice Hall and she has more then a dozen books on Life in Arctic Alaska published. LIMITED ENROLLMENT (100) This series of 8 lectures, starting November 5, 1973, appeals to all age groups. The material used is both entertaining as well as educational. The lecture series shall also include slides and discussions. i FEE 8 sessions for $12.00 OL REGISTRATION DEADLINE Ve teober r 24 4, 1973 $2.00 per lecture