CHAEL Cox AVID LAM CAMPUS he new driving laws are an attempt to enforce good driving habits over a onge period of time. These laws re aimed at the younger eneration but have also proven ffective with older people. The majority of new drivers © not realize how susceptible hey are to becoming involved in a CHAEL Cox AVID LAM CAMPUS he horn on your car is a For example, if someone uts you off, changes lanes, or urns without signaling, it is your esponsibility as a driver to let the ther driver know they did omething wrong. This could ARCEL MARTIN DAVID LAM CAMPUS will begin this article by being rutally honest; I am a onservative. Readers should now chieve a better understanding of hy I believe Lou Sekora should ot in Ottawa. I’m sorry Sekora’s enchman, Jon Kingsbury, was lected mayor. It is unlikely that he parking meters will ever be emoved from Pinetree and the urrounding areas. Car drivers already pay too uch for the privilege of riding na comfortable mode of trans- ortation. I pay $1600 a year to rive a 1993 two-litre Sunbird. hat some people don't realize is hat car drivers prop up an inade- uate transit system with an exor- itant transit tax. Our gas prices ould be cheaper but we live in a ountry that has adopted reform iberalism as both a federal and rovincial ideology. For the benefit of the political- inept, reform liberalism means axing the rich unjustly so a small egment of the poor, who don't ish to work, are given a welfare heque. To clarify further, most of e working poor work hard. I am eferring to the welfare bums that ave found it is easier to collect a heck from a benevolent govern- nent than work at a low paying b. There is a segment of our opulation that wants to drag the st of society down to a com- on denominator. Sometimes ey are referred to as socialists or tool and a responsibility. . a motor vehicle-accident. One in every five new drivers has an acci- dent within the first two years of driving. If you think it could never happen to you, you're wrong. The graduated licensing system has a longer learning peri- od for the new driver; it also places several restrictions on how they can drive, when they can drive, and whom they can drive with. Driver etiquette prevent future accidents. If someone is going below the speed limit, it is not necessary to fall asleep on the horn, making a loud continuous sound. A small tap will usually be sufficient. Remember it is not against the law to go below the speed limit— even if it might piss you off. It is not necessary to flip the bird; normally this just makes the other Parking near the David left-leaning liberals. These mis- guided idiots (people) have never amounted to anything so they feel no other person should be allowed to have the means of opportunity to get ahead. It is scary when these liberals become environmentalists or politicians. Ex-mayor Sekora’s council set up the parking meters as a way to tax motorists even further. Why should students be taxed more than necessary? Did Sekora’s neurons ever think that it was possible to extract money from stones? How many students have a high disposable income? Students are not able to park at the Coquitlam Centre and walk to the David Lam campus because they will receive a ticket. Were the meters installed to get motorists to take transit? Isnt this a sad commentary about the mental status of our elected officials, if my previous question is true? I live in an area where a bus comes every two hours. The last bus returns up the hill at six o'clock. Having a car is crucial to maintaining my frayed ends of sanity. My life would be pretty crappy if my mobility rested on my feet and public transit. Transit has its place in New Westminster and Vancouver where, in peak periods, buses run every IS min- utes, People living along the SkyTrain route are lucky, the use of a vehicle is not crucial to their mobility. People living in Port Coquitlam and Coquitlam are not so lucky. Although I am not a res- ter slowly The graduated licensing system has been in effect in Ontario for some time, and since its introduc- tion, accidents have been reduced by 33%. I believe in this new sys- tem of driving because of how I see drivers at present. I am not just talking about the punk ass teenagers going around in their parent's car—adults themselves need a lesson or two on how to operate a motor vehicle. driver want to go slower just to piss you off. It is appropriate if you're being tailgated and having high beams flash at you while you are doing the speed limit or above. In this case not only do I approve the use of the middle finger, I suggest it. However, in today’s society you must always watch out for the psychopath with road rage. The majority of adult drivers go by the saying, “I know the law so I can break it.” These are the people who need the lessons the most. For example, their behav- iour includes running stop signs, changing lanes without signaling, and giving everyone the one finger salute as if they were saying hello to a good friend. If we can get through to the new drivers with this graduated In a situation of road rage I suggest the following: pull over when it is safe and let the person pass you. As soon as the person has passed you, take down the license plate number and call the cops. The police know how to deal with this type of irresponsi- ble driver. Confronting this type of driver is dangerous to you and your car's health. However, if you licensing we should be able to decrease the number of accidents and increase the number of good drivers on the road. There are really only two things to remem- ber while driving. No. I Be Safe No. 2 Running a yellow light will not give you seven extra sec- onds of great sex. Trust me. I know. see the psychopath down the road pulled over by the cops, feel free to point and laugh. Remember, though, if you read this and take any of my advice, I am in no way responsible for your actions, Lam Campus, politically speaking ident of Maple Ridge, I’m pretty sure some people there may echo my sentiments. Is it so much to ask, for public parking to be free? Motorists put up with a lot of share crap from environmentalists; poor highway construction with regards to geography; and incompetent bastards who buy their licenses, and can't drive effectively. Also, with high gasoline taxes subsidiz- &. RICK OR TREAT BRING IN YOUR WHOLE FAMILY FOR ALL YOUR HALLOWEEN COSTUME NEEDS PURCHLASES OVER $10.00 QUALIFY TO WIN A PINATA FULL OF GOOLISH TREATS October 1—28 1998 Druw Date : October 28,1998 12 noon .; 2404 $t. Johna Stree! Port Moody 931-2451 Mon-Sat 9:30-6:30 ing public transit, student motorists should not have to pay for parking. ES The Other Press October 14.1998 Page 5