a ae ~March 7, 1977 ’ the other press events THEATRE Arts Club presents the Wes- tern Canadian premiere of Mi- chel Tremblays’ ‘‘Bonjour, la, Bonjour,’’ March 10-April 9, 8:30 p.m., 7 and 10 p.m. Saturdays. Tickets from the ‘Van. Ticket Centre. (683-3255) and all VTC outlets. Arts Club Theatre, 1181 Seymour St., Van. 687-5315. the Committee for Defense of Human Rights in Chile, March “| 22-26, 8:30 p.m. $2.50 Vancou- ver East Cultural Centre, 1895 Venables St., Van. 254-9578. Touchstone Theatre presents **King Stag’’, Touchstone’s first full-scale mask production. March 29-April Ist, 8:30 p.m. $3,$2.50 students. VECC, 1895 Venables St., Van. 254-9578. DYH Lui presents Sir Michael Redgrave in ‘‘Shakespeares People’’, a celebration of Shakespeare in words and mus- | ic. April 4-23, 8:30 p.m. $6.50, $7.50 David Y. H. Lui Theatre, 1036 Richards St., Van. 669- 0931. : The Playhouse presents the Canadian premiere of Tom VTC (683-3255) and all outlets. Playhouse - 575 Beatty St., Van. N. Van. Community Players present two one-act plays: ‘“‘The Bald Soprano’’ by Ionesco and ‘*Marble Arch’’ by Mortimer on March 17-19, 8:30 p.m. $1.50, $2.50 kSaturday. Hendry Hall, llth and Hendry, N. Van. 980-5552. MUSIC Masterpiece Music presents the Vancouver Woodwind Quin- tet and Linda Lee Thonas, Sun., ’ March 20, 8 p.m. $3,$2 students Van. East Cul. Cen. 1895 Ven- ables ST., Van: 254-9578. The Chile Show, a benefit for |Stoppards, ‘‘Travesties'’, — March 7-26. Tickets from the Famous Players present pianists Vladimir Ashkenazy, Fri., March 11, 8:30 p.m. $5.50- $7.50 and Van Cliburn, Sun., March 20, 8:30 p.m. $5.50-$7.50 Tickets from Bay Box Office (681-3351). QET. Cultural Centre presents Bal- bir Singh Bhangu, Tues., March 8, 8 p.m. $3,$2.50 students. Also, Days, Months, and Years to Come feature the premiere for three works commissioned especially for the ensemble. Sun., March 27, 9 p.m. $3,$2.50 students. VECC, 1895 Venables St., Van. 254-9578. Vancouver New Music Society presents Trio Ex Voco March 16, 8:30 p.m. $3.50,$2 students. — VECC 254-9578. Towne Waytes perform a concert of 16th Century music from across Europe, March 17, 8:30 p.m. $3,$2 students VECC, 254-9578. Cultural Funk presents Brent Carver in ‘‘Caught in a Celluloid Jam’’, March 9-13, 8:30 p.m., 7:30 and 10:30 p.m. weekends. Camp Fircom IS LOOKING FOR SUMMER STAFF Positions available include two cooks, one boating and one wimming supervisor, one out tripping and one crafts director _four resource program workers, and a nurse. Persons accepted for summer staff will be on site from June 0 to August 25, with one day off per week. Room and board re provided as well as salaries ranging from $850-$1300 fo he period, depending on the position. Interviews will be held beginning late March. For more information and application forms contact: First United Church 320 East Hastings Street ; Vancouver, B. C. VGA 1P4 Phone 681-8365 Also, Pied Pear, March 18 and 19, 8:30 p.m. $3. VECC, 254- 9578. The final two Bach to Brahms concerts are Fri., March 11 with the Cecilian Ensemble and Fri., March 18, with Ray Kirkham and John Mitchell. Phone 298- 7322 for more info. North Shore Light Opera Soc- iety presents ‘‘The Gypsey Ba- ron’’ by Johann Strauss. N. Van. Centennial Theatre, 23rd and Lonsdale, N. Van. March =| 10-12, 8 p.m. $3.50 students- ewe Thursday and Fri.. $2. Call 988-6166 for ticket info. VOA presents ‘‘Die Fleder- maus’’ in English, by Johann Strauss, March 10, 12, 17, 19, 8 p-m. Tickets from VTC (683- 3255) QET. The Douglas College Fagg Club presents Ghaggey College of California | Douglas College Student Nlutges Spring Dance No tickets | Fridayy March 11 & pm-1 am | sarah el Queens Park Atenex | FREE Bak Facilities ID requ DIALOGUE Door Prige : Tickets from Student Society Office New Westminster or from astudent nurse Surrey campus sold at door Sound. by - Robs Music 3.033 Band Friday March 24 7:30pm A program of DISCUSSION presented by SEC. LAL THE NATIONAL SECRETARIES ASSOCIATION (INTERNATIONAL) New Westminster Chapter presents 7TH ANNUAL BUSINESS SEMINAR Saturday, March 19, 1977 ROYAL TOWERS HOTEL, NEW WESTMINSTER HALFE-DAY Varsity Christian Fellowship TIME AND ETERNITY TIME— What is it? A FULL COLOR MOTION PICTURE Wed March9 RoomN105 WORKSHOP C0 MM UNS AT TORS = Maxine It Work WHERE You Work - The reality of eternity is seen as a scientific fact page7 rman eat