Mad Hatter Page 6 BRITISH COLUMBIA ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGES 1714-510 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6B 1L8 (604) 688-3571 Ar. 13 July, 1983 J te \ if 4 Cy #41 NEWSLETTER Monday, July 11 President Unruh joined college administrators and some board chairmen in a meeting with Ministry officisais. The discussion dealt with implications of the budget speech and government bills now on the order paper. Some items of interest were: COLLEGE BOARDS The minimum number of members on a college board will he reduced from 7 to 5. All appointments will be by Order-in- Council. There will no longer be appointees of school boards on college boards. President Unruh has expressed his intention to discuss with the Minister "the process for selection anu the provisions for ensuring continued responsiveness to community." PROVINCIAL COUNCILS The three provincial councils will be eliminated. The Minister "wants to ensure that the limited funds available to the Ministry of Education are used directly for college services instead of for the support of intermediary bodies." The action emphasizes the Minister's statement to delegates at our recent annual meeting when he said: "I want it understood that the Ministry of Fducation is to administer education in this province... and if it can't do the job, then we'll examine the Ministry." The effect of this change on the powers of boards is not clear. However, in the proposed amendments, subject to the Minister's function in establishing in consultation with boards, policy or directives for post- secondary cducation and training in the province, the boards have the power "to determine courses or programs to be offered or cancelled at the institution." STUDENT AID The total allocation has been reduced from %$6.2M to $5.2M. The amount available to each individual applicant has been vis aie