DOUGLAS cmt LEGE LIBRARY WANTED TWO MIDDLE-AGED ACTORS LRCHIVES Two middle-aged actors, preferably tall are needed for the spring production of Ah, Wilderness. Director, Gwyneth Harvey has cast the play, but because of difficulties with illness two major roles must be recast. The role of Nat Miller requires a kindly, fatherly image, while his brother-in-law Sid needs to have a good sense of comedy. Contact Gwyneth immediately at 531-2406, if you wish to audition for these two important roles in Ah, Wilderness. COPY CENTERS Due to several factors including a greatly overexpended paper budget and the’ increased demands on equipment and services, copy centers will continue with existing copying limits. In addition it will be necessary after Feb. 18 to use a new requisition form for printing services. These new forms will be available at Copy Centres and through campus offices and the printshop. Please note that printing jobs requiring in excess of 500 copies total will require an authorizing signature from the campus Vice-Principal or College Director. These volumes include forms and stationery. JOB OPPORTUNITIES MEDICINE HAT COLLEGE: Director of Brooks Campus. Please submit a written application to: The President, Medicine Hat College, Medicine Hat, Alberta, TIA 3Y6. Application deadline: February 29, 1980. THE COLLEGE OF CAPE BRETON: Dean of Arts and Science, effective July l, 1980. Nominations and applications should be submitted (in confidence) to: Dr. William M. Reid, Academic Vice-President, Chairman, Search Committee for a Dean of Arts & Science College of Cape Breton, P.O. Box 5300, Sydney, Nova Scotia, B1P 6L2. Closing date for receiving nominations and applications: April 25, 1980. CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY: Area Consultants...Vacancies exist from May 1, 1980 to August 31, 1980. Small Craft Safety Program Co-ordinator... May 1, 1980 to August 31, 1980. Submit detailed resumes to: Director, Water Safety Service, Canadian Red Cross Beetety » 4750 Oak Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6H 2N9. The Mad Hatter is a Douglas College Newsletter published weekly during the Spring and Fall semester, bi-monthly in the Summer semester, by Douglas College, P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster, B.C. Deadline for submissions is Thurdsay noon each week. For further information contact Melanie Falcon, Surrey Campus, local 283.