Vvesw ee ere 9 sap secl 4d DELVLEES and Environment and Ecology 6 Applied Arts 7 Performing & Visual Arts and Personal Services and Processing and Machining THE MAD HATTER A Douglas College Newsletter published weekly during the spring and fall semesters, bi-monthly in the summer semester by 8 Transpo ion i i Giese Selous he et portation & Material Handling and Vocational Institute r P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster,B.C., Editor: Judie Steeves, Surrey campus] §WLD/rg Telephone: 588-4411, loc. 283 Lot tone: TO: ALL FACULTY FROM: Bill Day, Dean of Curriculum. ae! Association of Universities and Collegs of Canada INVENTORY OF RESEARCH INTO HIGHER EDUCATION IN CANDA We are preparing the 1977 edition of the annual Inventory and invite you to describe on the enclosed forms any research projects and investigations pertaining to post- secondary education in Canada (studies, articles, theses, reports, experiments, innovations, etc.), which you are now conducting or have completed in 1976, including significant changes in projects already noted in the previous Inventory. Pursuant to recommendation from the College- wide Curriculum Committee, and the Principal's Council, Douglas College Council approved the Occupational Field Priorities as listed below for the academic year 1977/78. It should be noted that the priority fields listed below are thematic fields, based on the Canadian Classification Dictionary of Occupations and relate only to the occupationally-related segment of the Douglas College Curriculum. This does not relate to the academic, general studies, community, or basic education components of the curriculum. Please extend this invitation to any of your colleagues or members of your group who may like to send us descriptions of their projects. Furthermore, the priorities, as noted, indicate a weighting of effort and likely development, , rather than an absolute scale, which implies that§ priorities in the first section are filled before items in the second section are considered. Additional report forms are available from the Research Division, AUCC, 151 Slater, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 5N1 Some development will be occurring in all fields this year, but the priorities described below indicate the general weighting of effort and emphasis. Don Porter 2. Dear Colleague: The State University College at Brockport, New York, is conducting a nation-wide search for a Criminal Justice Program Director. We would appreciate your assistance in bring- ing this vacancy to the attention of qualified candidates. A brief description of the Criminal Justice Program, responsibilities of the - Director, and minimum qualifications expected of candidates are available from 16. 283/5. James D. Jones, Chairman Criminal Justice Search Committee It should also be noted that the College- wide Curriculum Committee and Principal's Council have given preliminary indication of a likely shift in priorities next year, based on employment markets, general economic shifts, likely funding shifts at the Provincial and Federal levels, plus the gradual linking with secondary school occupationally-related programs § PRIORITY PROGRAM FIELD 1 Health Services & Sciences a Social Services & Sciences 3 Business § Administration 4 _ Recreation & Leisure and Fabricating Assembly & Repair e