7. , internal organization: If the college is to function according to the principles of democracy the responsibility delegated to the administraticn by the college must be shared with the faculty and the students in a realistic and effective manner. 8. Melding: Q}In melded institutions it is imperative that short term courses and trade upgrading programs be continued to fill that specific need and the integrity of these courses and programs be recognized and Maintained. (2) We recognize that B.C.1.T., Burnaby Vocational School and Vancouver School of Art serve a Province-wide special need in technical, vocational and artistic training and they should not be considered for melding. (3) In a melded institution the college council should employ all instructional staff and any person coming from civil service to college staff should not lose salary or fringe benefit advantages. (4) Teacher certification: Colleges must equate industrial and commercial experience with academic training in terms of training required for the particular area of: instruction. (5) Interrelation of various areas of govern- ment and vocational instruction: It is important to re- tain autonamy in the college rather than submit to the control by government departments such as Labour and Manpower. 9. Colleqs financing: (1) Capital financing should be funded 100% by the Province. (2) Operating costs should be borne 100% by the Province with allocation of funds to the colleges to be on the basis of an equitable formula taking into account the variables which exist from college to college. It is recognized that there should be local contribution towards programs of a purely local interest and benefit.