WORD ON THE STREET BY ANGEL DESJARLAIS “What's the worst thing in the cafeteria? “In my first semes- ter, | got a triple- patty burger from the cafeteria, right before my sports conditioning class. | got to see that burg- er a second time. So did the rest of the class.” ISAIAH - 2nd year Business “One time, | found a really long hair in my stir-fry.” IU A a all WATERFRONT LOUNG 250 Columbia St. 604.517.2966 www.bro« NGE Andre - Catholic Christian Outreach Full-time volunteer THURSDAY “ff “The worst thing I’ve = eaten from. the cafe- STUDENT teria is old, cold NIGHT! fries.” Vanessa _ 2nd year General Arts “| once ate a berry scone from the cafe- teria that was really undercooked and doughy. Most of their stuff is ok though.” Courteneay ° ‘st year Arts |