February 4 2004 British Clafehee Leule and artist Susah Polt—aré aHiBhg 14 FeelpleHts te wih tHE péestiglals NaHeHal two Galumblang—= Two from BC Win National Aboriginal Achievement Award key paHels greet hundieds of theui- | MeLeughiiai inveHist Albett SdHids BF passeHgers ahudlly a8 | Reeki leadeis joe Gesell; Frank they walk thsuigh VaHesiive: | Calde Sophie PieHe; ad Lek [HteFHAHBHAl AlFBOEE: SHe is ered= | Marchand: attists Bill Reld and flews © the other press © The yeat 2004 Hatks the 11th dHHiveraHy oF the awatts that Mohawk edHdlictet ala sdeldl activist JOHH KiKi Bell created 1H 1993 t6 FeebgHize the achieve: iHeHts 6F ABBHeiHal professionals: “THe ABBHBlHal EGHIHIUHIEY Hake’ sigiifeat ebHEHBUHBHS aHd paftlelpates 1H divee ways that Hid CaHadlas die Hot awate BF” said FUME aH ee itive BHOdUEEE OF tHe awakds JOHH Kili Bell: “By feebgiizing Abbtigiial selelitlits; stikgesits; educators; aHd eHtepreHetita, the Natléial AboHgiHdl AchieverHett Awatds dte Highlightiig the decoHplishiieHs BF ABBH-BiHdl pebple ad Helping t6 HibvE Us elbset te lit dial Boal’ GF lHeteds- IHB edlicdHol; aHe Patticipatloli i the Caladlah e&sHibiity.” FREE OVD AMAZING STUDENT DEAL! a ETO YOU fi NEW Fl0d Dia Abotigitial Achieverient Award; | ited with falelag the profile of | Reber Davidson: Fashian desigh- the Abatigihal EBtH= GE Derethy HUHIES =~ Highest GraHti — jlistlees HHBUE Alfied Seow atid Chief Clareiiee SteveH Palit boule BE. tHe University BF Osbyess — Talal Vietila law pré- Baked deceased the Feast joka Heed fF sBEldl asslé- BeHewe; 4Hd faHe® 6 alHHe8t Hil; UBE ediieatet by crealiig jabs aiid Dt — fe-AHKE aH 6eBHBHIE ihFa= atFuictiife tHEBUBH the establishiieht 6F bipht Busiiesses tHat He efeatéd aid Hidii= apes: These Busliesses inelude a BEIF EBLE; EGHSEFUEHBH EH pa Hi; ForStHY EBHIpAR WHeyard, EBHVEHIEHEE stBFe; ad a Fesldede Hal aid ageeulttite leaslg eBHi- paliy | Sugai Palit 18 the well-kHewa aFHst whose Setaerdinary glass 40ordo Trains People fe) meee let i aa YG iaerroy \ tHElF “AS Hing SiSaH Pei BE NBSP WihheE Neatly 700 apprentices will Be able te HbVe ahead With tHelf EdkeeHs aH Ear Higher Wages Because tHe BRBVIHEE 18 providiig $883,000 fer eetia prOgrAHIs §6 Help pestsee- BHA |HSHEUHBAS ElHIHate Hades Halilig: THis Rindlag i pOsIBlE a8 a FeStIE BF SUE plus Fulids Feii tHe Hralsitlel te EE HeW LHdustHy THalHlig AuthbHty: a result GF BUF StFEABEH- GHE jab growth; deHidHd fet , tRAIHIHB EGHHHES te Hee,” Afehibald: Lotilé ahd Polit will Feeelve thelr awards at a Stal stidded gala evelt BH Sunday; Apel 4; 3004 1A Calgary; at the Sautheri Alberta jubilee AuditeHuii; THe awards show will subsequently be téle- vised By the CBE a8 a HWE Giareles bells, BE NBSP WinHér Coast Salish aft at tHE leeal; Hatl@Aal; aid iiterHatieHal levels: A seltauight artist; Het work als6 fr vislt6ES FFE EBrpBFAEE Ulldligs aFBUAE beWa: — Bast Feeipiehtg frei BE | special atid by the Aboriginal inelude: Kidney tfansplaHt su | Peoples ‘Televisloh Network ges }«=6 DRS Matin «= Gale | (APTN): sald Preiilet Gotde Caiipbell; whe aHHeuiHeed the Beta FuREIAB PBF 44 piB- Brats at 11 ifstitutisis: “The Hew haus: try ERAIHI propa we've put iH place Is desigHed f6 Hieet HHIs Heed; EeAHAg Hew BpperAlHEs FoF woFkeEs ahd EHIpleyErs alike: THis FuRAIHG Will Help eHsuite peal HOHE afé available HBht away fer the BraW= 1H HUHABEE BF applicatts.” THeFedgee HeiHaHa FoF teEHHedl HALAL Has Feslilted 1H Walt-liste FoF Hany Hades; delayiig appreHtices ih thelk prepress tewald JBUFHEYpERBH statis: Meanwhile, biiployers ate Having difMetilty Allg well-paid JABS With qualiAled tradespesple: THe 6&tfa PROBFAHIS; WIEH seats FEF 676 apprettices, stakt thrsugheut Jahuaky FebFuaR; ahd Mareh: They offer teehHleal talHifig ii trades; iHeludiig cakpentty, alitGHIbH¥e fieeHaHIes; Heavy duty HHeeHaHies; EBHIHeFElal EaHSpeFE, Hill: WHBHE; EléctHeal; pluHiblig; gas AtHHg; FHAEHIHISt; Weldiig: FeFHBeratibH HeEhaH: 1e8; ad steel FABHEAt BH, a8 Well a8 EBBK: lig ald Bakitig: “THESE HeW PrOBFAHIs Shaw the value OF a Hexible industty tralHIAg HiBdel that eal provide the Hehe classes at tHe Haht tiie te HibeE tHE Heeds BF stUeHES ald BHplby- bfs;” sald BFlaH Clewes; CEO 6F the IHdtstty TalHlHg AutheHty whieh tek G¥EF FespOHSIBIIEy FEE appreHtleeships ald Gthet techAleal tralnig Januaty 2: “This FuHIHg Will Help 1HSEEUEBHS Bear Up té accbiiiiedate growiig deiiaid a8 we attFact HiBFE Studelits lite ERE trades,” lHipreved a&eess tS tRalHilg 1s Be BF the goale of the Hew industry-talhlig Hedel Belg develaped by the Hew THdusify ‘TralHlig AuthoHty: Perty-twe pilet pré}- GEES ae HOW UHAeHWay BF EBHipleted: CUEFEHE Wall-li8ts Por GeBHEHY ahd Auber FIND A FREE Ovi MAYER: SFU, Rin MBE 4376 604-659-3856 4136 West Bieadway a MEG) 664:659:3887 Pri ee ae eT Re bd You are not alone ah temec ane cih hee Union's Pride Collective provides resources for lesbian, aay, bisexual and transqendered students at the colleqe The Collective meets Thursdays at 4:30 Allleshian aay, bisexual, transqendered, questioning and allied students are weleome Douglas Students’ Union esas leah ele cial iibih eh eed i eleih ccm i ees ieee: hittpi//WWW.Gtherpress.ca 6 Page 5 eee CAALELE Pe