INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / MAY 28, 1991 Pe lee Director Betty Lou Hayes has been elected vice- president for communications for the British Columbia Collegiate Athletic Association. She's the first Douglas College representative elected to an executive post with the provincial body. “It’s definitely a step up in the world,” says Hayes. “It is one of the power positions because all the important decisions are hand- led by the executive. It’s really an opportunity to have a say in what is going on in the association.” Hayes was elected at BCCAA meetings at Okanagan College, o : which has rejoined the association, on May 16. In her new position, Hayes will be responsible for over- seeing all association eligibility lists and for keeping BCCAA mem- bers informed of decisions and recommendations from the Canadian Collegiate Athletic As- sociation. Others elected to the ex- Athletics director Betty Lou Hayes. information sessions All sessions start promptly at times advertised and are ee 1 1/2 — 2 hours in length. Sessions are free, pre-registration is not required. All sessions are held at the New Westminster Campus unless stated otherwise. MAY 27 — 31, 1991 Child & Youth Care Counsellor Program Tuesday, May 28 full-time and part-time 1000 hours Room 3810 Education’ — University Transfer... 6 6 ie Tuesday, May 28 Simon Fraser University 1630 hours Room 3810 Health Information Services Program .............4: Wednesday, May 29 Health Record Technician and 1000 hours Health Record Administrator Room 3810 Crminology -y.. i ec ee eons ican eter ert ne Wednesday, May 29 Career and University Transfer 1400 hours Certificate and Diploma Room 3810 Access NUESing ©.-)s cil ie iaiciaie smn ere ictus cle se Thursday, May 30 Access I 1000 hours Room 3825 Stagecraft Procram(e.yeris nea dames ei names as Gs Thursday, May 30 1600 hours Room 3810 Hayes elected to BCCAA post ecutive were Pat O’Brien (presi- dent, Cariboo), Rob Johnson (Okanagan, v.p. finance) and Les Malborn (Malaspina, v.p. techni- cal). Douglas College will host the next BCCAA conference in December. @ Did you know? Wr asked to rate the impor- tance of “ personal intellec- tual development” as a reason for continuing their education, seven percent of Douglas College stu- dents replied “irrelevant." Source: September 1990 survey by Douglas College Institutional Re- search. @ hen Marsh Price cleans his of- fice, everything goes. Actual- ly, the entire systems and computing department packed up and moved to the first floor. Their room number is 0626.