hee ‘ abaya) .J >, jet pe _ EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES — (CONT'D) SASKATCHEWAN INDIAN FEDERATED COLLEGE, Regina, Saskatchewan rec ee a DIRECTOR OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPME | Duties: To identify and ° init fe ; projects for the Saska lewan Indian Federated Col lege leading to. the ach \ievements of col lege objectives. eh ye To provide ‘ish bers that wish to undertake re-: eee Pa search projects. . he 1 1 i : ri ate. ‘Dead! } ine for recei pt of mpd acerere is. “February 15, 1984, — ul im vitae to: of iia 127 College We ahaa, S4S OA2. Tel. a 584-8333 Two ee to Madama Butterfly | January 28, 1984, et i wh) 1 ent port to faculty mem- | To conduct research, where approp- - To co-ordinate the writing: of re- | s search project pronnear to os Please submit, letter of application ite Bh curr i¢ President, Saskatch- Cc lege, ‘University — 2 nas Sask- : is Pure wool, 4 OZ. hed “ForSale | eka ly = | Attention knitters, weavers & craftspeople! skeins eran ei ae ad : Many colours = | | qugtabre ‘for. ek mu | Conta ct Katrin at local oe or 521-4505, -_ Se tor for the give a lecture hee at | Anna Fosc chi, Program | Coordinat | Italian Cul et “oan, will on: \ ih > P: -TTALTAN socteTy ND CULTURE | to the “Ethnic Minori ties" soc B0-N ing agencies. 0 Qualifi- de | class on : cations: Minimum - Masters Extensive exper=|- wednese : f 1 in research and development; 1S HEHNESHE MY gan. 28 Bien 400 | hrs. - knowl ed e of Indi . culture. and ex- in Room 1807 i fh ‘ perience working with Indian, people} “Every -yone ve wele come! hale rat Salany? Negotiable pk a F : g ting / r ‘ = | Date: duly 1, 1984 . | i Anyone | yienine) to! contribute! ie the Schol- carship Fund in memo y of Jean Hammer' = / daughter, Chri stine Young, may do so by: ‘1, Cheque to eo College and hticate on the cheque that it is to the — Christine, Young Trust Fund. i rr cash, indicating that eS for the Christine Young Trust Fund and who it 45; from. ut 3. Direct the cheque or cash 2 the atten- | tion of. Carol Le yland, Accounti ng Dept. ; 4 Tax receipt will be issued. CTR By seats gk 10 TPL Ne, | Thank you “4 7 | Regularly $34 each...only $20 each Panna Raffle 0 | Phone Peter Henderson at 682-8290. | Mi Mia rR i} eal : Se arene Pe vail ; ' m f : : 4 ’ 1 in . et wit ein oy sr ML Pe gly fool ee ees