CONTRIBUTED PAPER PROPOSAL COVER PAGE CANADIAN SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF HIGHER EDUCATION May 27-28-29, 1985 Mad Hatter Page 21 SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS - Please type - Include in the proposal (in the order shown) as many of the following com- . Complete each item ponents as are appropriate: 1. Title of the proposal - A 100-word abstract should be 2. 100-word (maximum) abstract included just below the title on 3. Introduction and perspectives the first page of the proposal 4. Purpose itself. Please edit carefully 5. Literature review » ee since this may appear in program 6. Sources eri aT 7 literature. 7. Methodology or approach pOUGLAS COLLEGE 8. Results and/or conclusipns og ee - Do NOT use institutional nor 9. Implications ARGHIVES author identifiers on any page pag other than this cover page (which . Forward four (4) copies of the will be removed prior to the proposal (but only one copy of the review process). Cover Page, please) to the address shown at the bottom. . Limit the proposal’ to four (4) double-spaced, 8 1/2" x 11" type- written pages seeeeeee ee ee ee ee es ee eee ee ee ee eee eee ee ee ee eee ee ee eee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee eee eee ee ee eee 1. Paper Title: 2. Presenting/first author (to whom correspondence regarding this proposal will be sent): Name Telephone ( ) Ext. Position title Institutional affiliation Mailing address (building/street) (city) (prov/state) (country) (pc/zip) 3. Coauthor: (Please use a separate sheet for any additional authors) Name Telephone (__) Ext.. Position title Institutional affiliation Mailing address (building/street ) (city) (prov/state) (country) (pc/zip) 4. Would this presentation require any special set-up or audiovisual equipment? No Yes (specify) Signature of author preparing this proposal Date Please return to; Lise Tremblay, Bureau de recherche institutionnelle, Universite de Montreal, C.P. 6128, Succ. A, Montreal, P.Q. H3C 3J7 Postmark no later than October 15, 1984