MAD HATTER PAGE 4 Reading Study skills READING/STUDY SKILLS Do you have any students who may have difficulty getting through the semester without a little help? Here are a list of a new set of Reading and Study Skills for College classes, which may be of some help to your students. The classes begin March 2. READING SKILLS STUDY SKILLS Surrey RSS 100 SLO W.12-2 RSS 100 S11 Th. 2-4 RSS 100 S12 F. 10-12 Richmond RSS 100 Rll T. 2-4 RSS 110 R1O M. 12-2 RSS 100 R50 Th. 7-10p.m. Coquitlam Langley RSS 100 L50 M. 7-1lOp.m. New Westminster RSS 100 N11 W. 8-10 RSS 110 N12 Th. 10-12 RSS 100 N50 W. 7-10p.m. RSS 110 N13 M.12-2 Maple Ridge RSS 100 M50 Th. 7-10p.m. WANT TO BE CAPTURED FOR POSTERITY? The Reading/Study Skills discipline are still looking for instructors who would be willing to have a portion (10-15 mins.) of one of their lectures videotaped. These videotapes would be used by the college's Study Skills course (RSS 110) in the teaching of the topic "Taking Notes from Lectures." If you are interested please contact one of the RSS faculty: Sandra Carpenter - Loc. 258 (S) Sherry Ladbrook - Loc. 243 (NW) Ian McCaughey = Loe. 41 ( R) Your participation would be greatly appreciated RSS110 S50 T. 7-10 p.m. BSS 116 ClO T.Py idl RCHIVES DOUu... . AR ; READING/STUDY SKILLS FACULTY - TESTS The Study Skills Lab would like to set -up a file of course tests. Students can use these tests in determining the types of tests administered at the College level, the preparation nec- essary in studying for various tests and the sorts of questions likely to be asked in varicus subjects. These tests would be kept in the lab rooms and used only for reference, you might have old tests you're no longer useing or tests you don't mind students seeing in advance, if so could you please send one or two copies to Sandra Carpenter on the Surrey Campus. If you have any information on preparing students for exams, Sandra would welcome your input.