VACATION Notice Ed Redmond, Dean of Applied Programs, will be on vacation until September 18. Andy Andrews, Director of Program Planning and Development is Acting Dean during this period and Andy's office is at the Winslow Site. i DOUGLAS COLLEGE Appointment incnivcs Jim Doerr is pleased to announce that Mr. Larry Davies has been appointed as the Director of the Douglas College Maple Ridge Centre. Mr. Davies also holds the position of Principal of Continuing Education for School District #42 (Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows) . Mr. Davies' appointment follows an agree- ment in principle between the College and the School District to jointly dev- elop an integrated educational service for adult learners in the Maple Ridge- Pitt Meadows Community. Mr. Davies has experience in elementary, jimior and senior secondary education where he has developed a number of in- novative and collaborative programs. He has been the principal of a number of schools in District #42 as well as work- ing on District curriculum development and implementation. Mr. Davies will be concentrating on starting the Fall semester for the next few weeks. and learning all about Douglas. I am sure he can count on support and help from all of us. WELCOME TO DOUGLAS, LARRY! , HOUSE FOR RENT Location: Vicinity of 8lst Ave. and King George Hwy. Two bedrooms upstairs Suite in basement, but no bathroom, (could be in-law suite) Well kept older home on large porperty. Iots of, outbuildings, 3 garages, etc. Fully furnished but this is optional. Close to schools. Children and pets welcome (to right people). Available October lst for sure - possibly sooner by arrangement. FOR FACULTY MEMBERS ONLY. THE FOLLOWING SERVICES ARE BEING OFFERED BY THE LIBRARY THIS FALL: 1. Library tours 2. Imclass orientations geared to your subject 3. Books and xeroxed articles may be placed on reserve for 2 hr., 24hr., 3 day, or 1 week loan periods -4, AV services are available from the AV section of each campus Library - 5. LIB III - Skills for College Library Research - for students who need to learn systematic and effective library search methods If you wish to have a librarian give an orientation to one of your classes, and you have not already been sent a notice, please get in touch with us; we would be happy to make a presentation to your students. ...Library, New Westminster. BEST WISHES Regards and best wishes to Linda Tosczak, President, Douglas College BCGEU LOCAL 59 has been appointed as a Staff Rep- resentative of the Regional Office of the B.C. Government Employees Union. Linda has had a continuing interest in Labour Management Relations, and has been a part-time student at Simon Fraser University during her four years at Douglas College. Linda was initially appointed as Voc- ational Programs Clerk, and since then has been a utility worker and latterly the Co-ordinator of Volunteers for the I CARE Program at the Winslow Site. Linda was honoured at a luncheon at the Winslow Site on Thursday, August 27.