DOUGLAS COLLEGE INTER OFFICE MEMO TO MAD HATTER OATE: august 11, 1975. FROM: David R. Williams DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY RE Library Hours ARCHIVES On September 8, 1975 the Libraries for all three campuses will go on the following regular winter hours: Monday to Thursday - 7:45 a.m. to 10:15 p.m. Friday - 7:45 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. Saturday - Hours of opening on weekends will | a a be announced later. W Gad P 00. David R. Williams, Director of Libraries. AUG 12 {97% | oe WE étinle " > /gb bY; reyes, pete REN ee a INTER OFFICE MEMO DOUGLAS COLLEGE TO Mad Hatter FROM: Campus Supervisor - Surrey RE Parking 1. Surrey Campus now has an additional 100 parking spaces. staff/faculty or students will result in ONE warning arking by F 2. Illegal p 6 ffense will result in a tow-away- ticket, a second 0 (please publish every second week for 3 printings.) Rick Reynolds Loe 41 ) a ee Fe ve _ _, : Al | QAI ay