ail EGE LISRARY ES Ct DOU! ‘LEARNING TO BE: TOWARD A PERSON- CENTERED EDUCATION ae APPLICANTS. SHOULD APPLY To 1 QDEPT. CHAIRMAN MM EDIATELY - ee _ GWHAT IS THE INSTITUTE? The Canadian Community Coveoes’ Institute is a Vo.untary and protessiona! association founded in 1970 by Doctor Gordon Campbei! at the Uniwers:ty of Letnbridge. As a centra! activity, the Institute organizes annually an intensive tnree-wek learning experience that provides globa: educat:ona: grawtn tO cUumMmunity coirege educators context. im 4 OBJECTIVES The Institute strives: — 10 promote both personal deveiopment. and professionai — 10 provide community college educators with a Canadian forum for the sharing of expe: ences, ideas, problems. -— 1G encourage the exploration of novel solu- tOMs. — tc promote tast:ng relationships that encourage further deveionment through personna con- tact. —to create a sense of identity tor Caradian Community Coiieges and their educatos. The Institute thus serves as an enricned ressource center, an experientia! self-directed 'earning moa! and a national forum. WHO IS INVITED? Ai educators involved in the community ca'lege fieid are invited — teache:, counsellor and eacadem-c administrator. Registration will he imited to sixty perc pants. Everyone shou'd vian to stay the fuil inréee weeks of the Institute, since much of the Wok GS process-oriented, and thus cumulative and deveropmental in its value. METHOD ; The Institute that meaninghul and personal irerning needs. The group generates its own dynamic model through which persanal and g:oup assumes learning is most needs and se.squrces are ident ‘sd and organizated 10 Create Perse centered leaning experiences Perr sarit ris este from aden astra: Tive Prt. one » cuisified aremators MAD) afar ign m tne leetrine need learneng ss. urce process. Specicized CoMmsu tarts ae hired on 2 stand-by basts to be avanabdie sf and when the group sees such neec Animators cx ticd in group dynamics and the iearming process heip identify not only those tesources airead, povided but the rescurces among tre partcpents that can bes: serve their own persocai and professions! needs. Partic:pents, however. make the oecisions as to their direction. This is accomplished through daily planning sessions, a steering committee, 2nd various ad-hoc groups focuss'ina on mutua!ly- identified needs. Material resourc®s inctude 2a com- prehens ve brary of booxws, articles, documents, films end tapes Summaries of available t5 participants campuses. veorkshans Ae for ther later use on dom « ry UNIVERSITY CREDIT Participents mav recister ether as credit ar non- credit students Trase desiring Uniwersity credit in the College Staff Developmen: Program trom tne Universitv of Sherbrcake ‘CPEC-PERSCRMA) should 2np'y to the Registrars, Tne Unversity of Sherbrooke. for Gétais res2¢1g admis cr and registration. The institute is a sixtred* course (ninety s2™ester hours of two o@u'5es). Partic pants who desire creait at thei nome un: versity Shou tration 6 consult thatune? (UtORM prio to ces LOCATION DATES The festiture wil he Cente: in tne Eastern Towed ps of Quener. nea: Sherbrooke fone and a hati woz trom June 3 to 22, 1974 {Tre tts locaton annusliy between £ Canada. The 1973 Institute 2s Aita). . reid at the Orcora Arts fasting when it most closely meets | ‘ Institute Fee Group fees are available for up to a omauimum of four participants from the same cotieou torat a For one partes pant $?00 two > is’ three i four er the entre ces’ ot the Insitute and iva) These tees co dexctuding 19cm REGISTRATION Ail cred:t and sot cred’ t macvcibets must COM plete the attached reastratian form and forward z ; a. * v Cc ebie (2 :eg ster as soar s reg stration ts May ACCOMMCDATION Wete te tne Octard Arts Cent 3ai' rat sity rates, er, Magog, Quebec, inc'uding mez's, @S age ran with sath anc sheveer $2¢ 96 @Twe tf suT With 13°". and sNower $7200 - a Sings foam Vo nathrooms, siemers and $15.90 @Tuc ce room | roets centraiy located $7300 Recreate ce! facietes for he ng swimming, tees onc tet > and gattins are aveuute> localty. Siont-seeinig and o7 excursions tc ‘Montreal, Sherbrooke and Quepec car te easily arranged. TRANSPORTATION Orford 18 located seventy miles east of Eastern % wosnips Aut Suece tansportat:on ts availiable between Montreal International 4erport and the Orford Arts Centre. ee OAT "Anrtreal On ihe route