January 21, 2008 The Benefits of Membership with the Canadian Federation of Students By Ally MacGrotty, External Relations Coordinator, Douglas Students’ Union Sian at Douglas College voted democratically to create the Douglas Students’ Union ensuring that the provincial government would provide legislation to protect a student’s right to organise and participate in their local, provincial and national student movement. As a student .at Douglas, you automatically benefit from being a member of the Union. Similarly to the DSU, students at the College also voted to become members of the Canadian Federation of Students. Since that time, the Union has acted as a liaison between the Federation and students while helping administer the campaigns and services on a day-to-day basis. In some cases, students may not be aware of the benefits and’ services that they are entitled to. I’ve been at Douglas now for three years and when I first started, I had many questions about many things: questions about the learning centre, questions about the registrar’s office, questions about the library and ultimately questions about the Students’ Union. I honestly had to seek out information for myself and I was glad I did. I learned that students represent me, a member of the DSU and CFS, not only at a local level, but also at the provincial and national level, on issues that directly affected and related to my needs at school! Here are a few of the tangible benefits of being a member of the DSU, as well as the CFS. They both provide the Union with many advantages. DSU Services: 1) Discounted photocopying for members that is cheaper than the library copiers on campus (0.05 cents for black and white, 0.35 cents for colour). 2) Free local faxing at the Union office and only 0.75 cents for long distance faxes. 3) Lockers rentals at only $10.00 per semester. 4) The Online Book Swap to sell and buy books at www.cfslocal18.ca/ bookswap 5) The Free Phone just outside the Resource Office in the SUB 6) Advocacy/Ombudsperson who assists students in cases of on- campus discrimination, sexual harassment, threats of violence, teacher/student conflicts, problems with the registrar’s office and grade appeals. 7) The Union is the caretakers of the bulletin boards at the New West and David Lam Campus. It approves all postings with a stamp in the Resource Office and maintains the cleanliness of them. 8) Members of the DSU can start a club or association and can receive matched funding from the Union. Certain criteria is required to be eligible for matched funding, such as volunteer hours. In return, the club will receive the same amount of money that the club has raised from the Union. This is great for graduating students who want to host a celebration event or other extra-curricular activities. 9) The Union facilitates off -campus accommodation and housing for members seeking a place to live, or seeking a roommate, by posting information in a designated area in front of the Resource Office, as well as directing them to the easy-to- use website www.homes4students. ca. This is a service operated by the Federation to help students find accommodation close to their post- secondary school. Events: 1) The Students Union Building’s (SUB) Upper Lounge provides a quiet study area with couches, tables, chairs, and a patio that also holds monthly special events such as pancake breakfasts, pub nights, transit consultations, environmental and women’s workshops, BBQ’s, movie nights, and more! Campaigns: 1) In early May, the Union saw the 2) 3) potential of organising a transit petition to collectively seek the interest of students in regards to the EverGreen Bus Line between New West and David Lam Campus. Overwhelmingly, students were for it and expressed strong interest. Douglas is patiently waiting for the day that it becomes the top priority of TransLink to achieve a U-Pass for Douglas students, which the DSU is very actively supporting. One of my personal goals is sustainability on campus. Through the Union, the DSU is planning a “Water Taste Test” Campaign to get students to compare the difference between tap water and_ bottled water in terms of taste, cost, waste, and convenience: all aspects worth considering. Through this campaign, I want to inform students that they can come to the DSU Resource Office with a portable water bottle and get free water from our bulk purchase of Canadian Springs. I already see students doing it and it would be even better if more students knew the benefits that are available to them. The DSU has received many signatures for the “We Ride” Campaign, along with the “Reduce Tuition Fees” and “Grants, Not Loans” campaigns and of course the DSU: Douglas Students’ Union — Local 18 Facebook Group! CFS Services 1) 2) 3) 4) The membership handbook and day planner is a service provided by the Federation. The value of the book is $10.00; the Union only pays $2.20 of the cost of each. The handbook includes your membership information about the Federation and the Union, as well as info on current issues such as, financial aid, services, campaigns, tenants’ rights, workers’ rights, college services, the health and dental plan info, Student Saver Card, and of course, the daily agenda. The Federation produces over 300,000 handbooks a year for students across the country. By printing the calendar and other key sections of the handbook together, each student union across the country is able to save money ona very high quality book with many’ advanced features. The book is printed on 100% recycled paper using vegetable based inks, it includes a full-colour cover, stickers to keep track of exams, special dates, and your StudentSaver discount card in the back. An argument can arise that though Simon Fraser Students’ Society (SFSS) purchased last year’s agendas outside of the Federation and got them fairly cheaper, it was ultimately unfortunate because the agenda was, in my opinion, of much lower quality. The agenda lacked a lot of information and | found that students that had transferred from Douglas to SFU came back to get the DSU agenda over the SFU agenda. The DSU administers the Health & Dental Plan provided through the not-for-profit National Student Health Network, a service of the Federation. Full-time students are automatically enrolled every fall semester when the student pays their tuition. The plan covers 80 percent of prescriptions, physio therapy, massage and much more. A member can also opt-out of the plan if they are covered elsewhere. StudentPhones.com gives exclusive discounts to Federation members with Rogers, Fido and Virgin Mobile cell phone companies. Studentminutes.com keeps you in touch with your friends and family by offering the best rates for long distance with no service fees at all. (2.9 cents per minute in North America) International Student Identity Card (ISIC) provided by the Federation Continued on Pg 9 t