th | Mad Hatter A Douglas College Newsletter ieee ace a UGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY, © L October 23, 1981 2 ARCHIVES (ole Op | PRESIDENTS REPORT - Mid-September to Mid-October The bulk of Student Registration has now occurred, and we are in a position to assess ourselves in relation to last year. In summary, our enrolments are about as | expected. Student demand continues very strong in the Occupational Programs field 1 and Academic Programs show solid enrolments throughout. Commmity Education programs are in the process of registration, and final reports will not be forth- f coming till later on this semester. A meeting with Ministry Officials has been held, during which we discussed our | plans for evolution of technological programs. The meeting was attended by all Deans, and most Directors and Chairmen. ‘ It was organized by the Applied Programs Division, and reflected credit on the College. The informal response of the Ministry Officials in attendance (15 people) was | very supportive. | The Ministry Officials repeatedly made reference to forthcoming financial difficulties at the post-secondary level of the Province. At the very least, Ministry personnel were given a chance to thoroughly review | progress on the Permanent Campus, and implications for the College future on that site, plus the College split. Most Ministry personnel dealing with the College are fairly recent appointees and they seemed to find the experience valuable. Our new administrators were also given a chance to talk informally with their counterparts. All departments of the College have been engaged in the very difficult exercise of identifying on a prioritized basis the means by which the College could survive with 20% less purchasing power than it has at present. This exercise has been en- gaged in subsequent to receipt of an instruction from Dr. Fisher that this occur. The recommendations from the administration will be brought forward to the Board prior to the end of the month. The general stategy for achieving our Educational 5-Year Plan has been out- lined, and is now in the hands of the Board as our current plan of action. A modest collaborative United Way Campaign is now underway, with involvement of the student, faculty, and staff organizations.