Mad Hatter Page 6 students are let into Douglas College's ABE programs. I | Radstaak says about 40 new students will be admitted next month into all levels of Adult Basic Education. "In our program, we can actually see people go from a grade five reading level (100 level) to grade nine in six to ten months," Radstaak says. "And the study skills we teach prob- ably go a long way in helping to achieve this." The study skills are a unique part of the ABE program. Students start at the 100 level and are taught how to | organize a notebook, in the 200 leve students learn to divide their study: time so they don't have to hustle around at the end of the course", Radstaak says. The 300 level study skills course teaches not taking from lectures, summarizing form texts, memorization, and more. This course is recommenced for people who want to eventually go onto college or university. Going over the basics of everything is natural for the ABE instructors at Douglas College because there are many people who need the extra help, says Malnarich. "The more confidence a person has in their work, the more they can imp»ve"” she says. "It's our job to give people the skills they need to go back to school." Even though Douglas College has the ominous look of a big institution, ABE counters this by allowing no more than 16 people into each class. F5 ipo | preparatory work, but it's worth tt,” ‘and support a student has, the more Place: Douglas College Performance Theatre | Date: Thursday, December 61984 Time: 2000 hours "There would be lost quality to the ,education if class sizes were any |larger," explains Radstaak. "People | . . are unique in many ways and we have to be able to help the whole person in ABE." And Adult Basic Education is hot considered the end of a student's education by the instructors. Both Radstaak and Malnarich would like to see everyone go on to either college, university or a technical program. "It's a struggle, it takes a lot of Radstaak says. The Success of Douglas College's ABE program can be measured by the vari- ety of students who register in the course. Ranging in age from 19 to the early 50's, men and women with all levels of reading, writing and |, math skills have passed through the | program. | "And progress is based on &xpectation," Radstaak says. "The more expectationg progress they're bound to make." Douglas College CONCERT BAND ! 6 JAZZ BANDS IN CONCERT No Admission Charge