10. Th W25 13. 14. 15. 16. Wee DOUGLAS COLLEGE Liles cce! Ree ARCHIVES If specific cutting scores are to be used as a basis for decision, a person tested should have more than one kind of opportunity to qualify for a favourable decision. A test score should be interpreted as an estimate of performance under a given set of circumstances in light of the confidence level. It should not be interpreted as some absolute characteristic of the examinee or as something permanent, or applicable to other circumstances. In general, a test user, when interpreting test scores, should not use descriptive labels for individuals. In particular, a test user should avoid the use of terms such as IQ, IQ equivalent, or grade equivalent, where other terms provide more meaningful interpretations of a score. A test user must inform the examinees in advance of the purposes of standardized tests and/or research that they are asked to participate ih. A test user is reminded that he/she should not place undue stress on students to participate in testing and/or research projects. An individual tested has the right to know his/her score and to receive an interpretation by a qualified person. Test scores should ordinarily be reported only to people who are qualified to interpret them. If scores are reported, they should be accompanied by explanations sufficient for the recipient to interpret them correctly. Individual student's results will not be released to any person or agency without the student's written permission. A test user has a responsibility to protect the privacy of individuals tested. Test results or profiles should be kept secure, have the individual's name removed or be destroyed. *Our primary source for preparing this draft was the American Psychological Association Inc., Standards for the Use of Tests, 1974