A FACULTY it i ie WORKING CONDITIONS COMMITTEE 16 JUNE/71 h. Number of campuses at which any instructor should teach i. New courses being taught for the first time. j. Faculty development Ray Cox (Chairman) Don McEachern k. Professional development Ed Biggs Gert Van Niekerk 1. Committee participation Bob Burleigh George Noble m. Community involvement Terry Kutcher Fred Owen Wilf Deeth Elizabeth Peerless 2. Instruction Facilities Sub-committepr Gordon Gilgan Hendrick Persad Jackie Gresko Jim Peters Jackie Gresko (Chairman) John Hazell David Peterkin Alex Jones Neil Hill William Reed Bob Burleigh Alex Jones / Sheilah Thompson Neil Hill Sabine Mabardi Henry Waack Nick Mansfield George Wootton Purpose to consider the follewing facilities as they affect the teaching Three sub-committees have been esta- faculty: blished to study the following topics: , 4 a. A/V facilities b. Library facilities c. Administrative facilities d. Duplication facilities e. Secretarial facilities f. Counselling facilities g. Laboratory assistance h. Technical facilities 1. Work Load 2. Instruction Facilities 3. Office space 1. Work Load Sub-committee John Hazell (Chairman) Nick Mansfield Hendrick Persad Gert Van Niekerk 3. Office Space Sub-committee Jim Peters Gordon Gilgan (Chairman) Wilf Deeth Don McEachern Ed Biggs 4. Laboratory Safety It was suggested that the present lab- oratory technicians be asked to pre- pare a brief on this subject. urpose is to investigate the work oad of all teaching faculty. The ollowing topics will be considered y the sub-committee: Faculty are invited to prepare briefs on any of these topics and submit them to any of the sub-committee members for consideration at sub-committee meetings. a. contact hours o. Laboratory load and field trips c. Number of different courses taught by any instructor at one time H. Length of teaching day e. Commuting t. Contract teaching by full-time instructors g. Number of students being instructed by each instructor. '