May 2004 Ray Floret’s Foray: Golf Geoff Lewis OP Contributor like stick-and-ball games, like hay stupid male. Leaving the ball out entirely and just using the stick has a certain panache, but tends to get you arrested and/or hospitalized. Golf, as it turns out, is unique among _ stick-and-ball games for having holes, whatever that means. Historically gi ~ round of golf is your Fide of getting ~ back to nature, you should know that there are few things more unnatural than a golf course. Manufactured and mined fertiliz- ers, turf fungicides, broad-leaved weed killers, artificial ponds, and constant shaving with lawn trac- tors. Nature scraped away and replaced with something else. This is not really natural, trust me. Pitch-and-putr is quiet fun, espe- le foolishly and UiiGsle wcheiene beverages. Play — with celebs! Play to schmooze! Also, dispensing nitrogen-rich urine is a good idea in an arbore- tum. On behalf of near- by trees and shrubs: Thanks! Driving ranges are fun in a more angry way, like going to the firing range with your sidearm to shoot at silhouettes, archery, fish- ing, driving or other ballistic sports where the victim is incidental. and voters turn away. Yet food will have to become very expensive before it’s worth growing vegetables in a sand trap. So you tell your tall teen, “You're now on your own, son/daughter, and must bear this yolk of respon- sibility.” The kids will see further Leave us to speak on victimless) ahead, won't they? They're the sports for another day. Helplessly I , - & ght? MuchMusic and the Internet must add that croquet has p balls, mallets, and multiple ho which have to be entered before he last par soil or climate for food production. Betting on global warming? alifornia will feed us? Talk about insanity, there. Got kids? Are they gonna have kids? How about their kids, and their kids and the kids they have? Might they have kids? Might all these kids appreci- ate your foresight? Or will they all be cowed by your prodigious and — immortal handicap? “Our great- great granpappy, bless his soul. What a golfer.” Where will their food come from? Safeway? Like golfers care. They just want to make this putt. However, there is no evidence that anyone thinks very far ahead. Economics and gov- ernments dictate most of our lives, and economics and governments never look more than five years into the future, or the shareholders that is Ermable. The rest on poor place to hang out. We cai our individual successes, or the col- lective success of our local society. _ ture. They're better in some way, e given them the long view older people, right? It docwieath triple-bogeyed my darling wife yes- terday,” the golfer exclaims luxuri- ously. His golf partner, weeps, “I shot an Eagle.” Why do Americans _ like shooting Eagles? Isn’t that their national bird? Ironically, such a low-stroke philosophy panders to the middle-aged leisure-class that this sport attracts. We in the burbs seem to judge ourselves by the quantity and qual- ity of landfill we create (whatever you buy that can’t or won't have a chance to rot, add X amount of time and it will become landfill), yet nobody likes going to the dump. Why not? It should be a fun measure 2 Opinions a Huse deduct X amount of time from each item disposed. Having watched them, I think people unloading at garbage transfer sta- tions look either defiant, guilty or employed. I try to look all three at once. Again, this should be fun. There is, admirably, one pitch- and-putt in the Lower Mainland constructed on former landfill, complete with vents for release of the gases from the garbage beneath. Instead of rabbits in the holes, there are decades of other peoples’ success. What will the archaeolo- Ay where’ my 9-iron? = OtherPress | 1