©) "ther pres Managing Editor Kerry Evans editor@otherpress.ca News Editor Kelly Parry kelly-parry@telus.net Opinions Editor Kali Thurber opinionsubmit@hotmail.com Culture Editor Amanda Aikman Submit_to_culture@yahoo.ca Features Editor Barbara K. Adamski featureseditor@otherpress.ca Sports Editor Adam “Flash” Gordon desportseditor@yahoo.ca David Lam Representative Munir Amlani opstuff@amlani.ca Proofreader Tamara Billau Production and Graphic Design Gerard Then layour@otherpress.ca Graphic Design Trevor Hargreaves bunkmedia@hotmail.com Photography Kim Meier nocontrolling@hotmail.com Web Editor Dawn-Louise McLeod dalomcl@telus.net Advertising Manager ads@otherpress.ca Office Manager Lynn Paus lynnpaus@shaw.ca Accountant Alyona Luganskaya tradexllc@hotmail.com Columnists Follow the Rainbow JJ. McCullough Nick Hogg Macdonald Stainsby Cartoonist J.J. McCullough wart_manu@yahoo.ca Contributors Melissa Beedle, Brandon Ferguson, Deborah Hutton, Joel Koette, Karen Larsen, Brian McLennon, Ted Morrison, Dave Pearcy, Justin Ray, Angie Oliveira New Westminster Room 1020-700 Royal Avenue New Westminster V3L 5B2 Ph//604.525.3542 Fax//604.525.3505 http://www.otherpress.ca Mail Bag Dear Mr. McCullough: Your Right Hook is very weak and not convincing at all. I would suggest read- ing more about America and what this country is. I would suggest starting with the Monroe doctrine. Whether the US was on the good side of the Cold War is VERY DEBATABLE. There are many more reasons to dislike a parasitic, expansionistic, and dictato- rial nation like the US, than their wealth and power. Let me tell you also, that Canadian government did not support Saddam Hussein (as you state), but fol- lowed UN decisions. America’s arrogance and zest to force their model of “free world” and plutocra- cy all over the world are mostly respon- sible for 9/11, and I agree with Chretien. I like our PM and I like his attitude. You need to read more about the US and our healthcare system as well. I prefer ours, where doctors decide about my health, not pharma corporations and private greedy insurance companies. Let me remind you that 40 million citi- zens in the US (more than the entire population of Canada) do not have access to care. If you want to see how the sick and suffering US citizens appreciate US healthcare you can go to any US medical forum (MGH forum would be the best to check). In the US chronic pain patients cannot get even prescribed opioids painkillers without their lawyer. For pot cig you may end up in a private boot camp jail for years. How ugly! And finally: we are not competing with the US, they are too big for us. But let’s keep a distance from them-the larg- er, the better in my opinion. Wojciech Langer, New Westminster The 24-hour speech marathon men- tioned in the October 22 issue of The Other Press, has been cancelled. ANY FOOT- $ 1 .00 OFF ANY FOOT: LONG Buy Any Regular Foot Long Sandwich LONG SUB And Receive $1.00 Off The Regular Price, SUB 74 - Bth Street Or 0.50¢ From Regular 6” Sandwich. Limit: One coupon per customer visit. ane sreeinenater Whe Place Where Fresh Ie he Taste Not valid with ary {in front of Douglas College) cer eeeponn, Tel: 522-7823 : a 8 itt AY promotions or Fax: §17-8795 3 meal deals. The Other Press is Douglas College’s autonomous student news- paper. The Other Press is run as a collective and is published weekly dur- ing the fall and winter semesters, and monthly (as a magazine) during the summer. We receive our funding from a student levy collected every semes- ter at registration, and from local and national advertising rev- enue. The Other Press is a member of the Canadian University Press (CUP), a cooperative of student newspapers from across Canada. We adhere to CUP’s Statement of Common Principles and Code of Ethics—except when it suits us not to. The Other Press reserves the right to choose what to publish, and will not publish material that is racist, sexist, or homophobic. Submissions may be edited for clarity and brevity if necessary. Printed by Van Press Printers Ltd. saute Page 2 http://otherpress.douglas.be.ca