INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / SEPTEMBER 18, 1990 Candid Campus General Nursing Program Selects Co-ordinators General Nursing has selected new Co-ordinators for the Fall Semester. They are Fran Johnson, General Nursing Co-ordinator and Gail McIntosh, GNUR Cur- riculum/ Access Co-ordinator. “IT would like to congratulate these individuals on their selection and trust that all will give them support and co-operation as they carry out their jobs,” says Joy Holmwood, director of the Health Sciences department. @ Fire Alarm Policy wey There seems to be some con- sigs foo im fusion regarding the policy of POSITION AT DOUGLAS COLLEGE: evacuating the building during Resource Development Secretary fire alarms. In order to clarify the SCOPE OF DUTIES: correct procedure we are request- Fundraising/Marketing for Douglas College ing that all personnel leave the Foundation building immediately upon the ringing of the fire alarm, even if it stops ringing within a short period of time. We also request that no BEST THING ABOUT WORKING AT DOUGLAS COLLEGE: © My job and the people WORST THING ABOUT WORKING AT DOUGLAS COLLEGE: one re-enters the building until My printer; traffic tie-ups to and from work permission is given by Security. FAVOURITE WAY TO SPEND LEISURE TIME: In the event that further ‘ ‘ silin ‘ clarification is required, please con- PARAM GRAS, COE oo tact Terry Leonard, at local 5365. ™ FAVOURITE RESTAURANT: La Pergola LIKES: Dancing, dining out, country music DISLIKES: Oysters HOBBIES: Cooking, singing WHAT YOU EXPECT TO BE DOING IN THE YEAR 2000: Rich and famous!