RE: BENEFIT COSTS As a result of a review of our Health and Welfare benefits, our carrier is increasing some of the monthly rates for coverage effective February 1, 1986. BENEFIT CURRENT RATE NEW RATE Single/Dependent Single/Dependent Extended Medical $1.79 / $6.59 $2.18 / $8.04 Dental - Staff $16.20 / $47.70 no change Faculty $14.25 / $42.15 no change Excluded $16.20 / $47.18 no change Life Insurance/ Accidental Death/Dismemberment $0.21 per $1,000. no change Long Term Disability $1.95 per $100. $2.25 per $100. The increases in Extended Medical and Long Term Disability are as a result of excessive claims experience. As Extended Medical premiums are paid 100% by the employer, the cost of the increase will be paid by the College. The Long Term Disability increase will be paid by the employee, Examples of increased cost to employees are as follows: Current New Increase For employees earning: $20,000 $19.50 $22.50 $3.00 30,000 29.25 S30 & 4.50 40,000 39.00 45.00 6.00 50,000 48.75 56.75 8.00 A reminder to Faculty and Excluded Personnel that supplemental life insurance is available at the yroup rate (about one-third the cost of private insurance) in blocks of $10,000 to a maximum of $100,000. This is excellent mortyaye insurance, To qualify for this benefit, Douglas College must have a minimuinn of 10 applicants. To date, we have not reached this number. Applications and further information are available in Personnel. Please contact us if you have any questions on your benefit coveraye. BARBARA SCHWITEK, Personnel,