DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES Mad Hatter Page 3 be operated with the push/pull handles or gently eased open with Classroom Configuaration body weight, should hands not be available. Please co-operate with your associates in maintaining standard Thank you. student stations in all bookable en classroooms. = 4 ee ; Manager, Building Services If rearrangement of classrooms is necessary to meet your particu- lar requirements it is equally Psychology Study Tour Flight necessary to restore the room ; ; to standard configuration for Reduced Group Airfare following instructors. Furniture is not to be shunted If you (and members of your into hallways. family) wish to avail yourselves of our reduced group airfare to B.S.W. staff is not available the U.K., you are most welcome to continually reconfigure to join our Psychology Study Tour classrooms. flight. The only stipulation is that you must depart with us on Thank you for your co-operation Sunday, April 28/85. You may return on an individual basis at Ken McCoy any date you wish. Advantages Manager, Security & Building are that you save approx. $50.00 Maintenance over charter rate (Air Canada) and there is no need for immediate “up front" deposit payment. Concourse Glass Doors Application deadlines: Be Gentle! Flight only: Dec. lst. Study Tour: Oct. 15th. The opening of the doors of the Concourse and the main library Valerie MacBean doors by pushing an AV cart into Soe. Scei.-Dept. them can jar the spring retaining Room 3400 clips loose causing the molding to fall away and present the hazard of the door glass crashing out. The cooperation of all concerned ig requested in avoiding this hazardous condition. Doors should