Mad Hatter Page 4 President’s Report ebruary 17, 1983 A. EXTERNAL MATTERS - MUNICIPAL As a result of a discussion with Mr. Tom Breedveld of Canada Employment Commission, New Westminster, a meeting will be occurring shortly between Douglas College Student Ser- vices Staff and Counsellors at the Employ- ment Centre, in order to foster closer re- lationships. We are hoping that similar meetings will be held with the Employment Centres in Burnaby, Coquitlam, and Maple Ridge. The Columbian Newspaper is at work on the creation of a Special Supplement to coincide with the Official Opening of the College in March. A reporter has been interviewing The New Westminster Chamber of Commerce is organizing a dinner for the Douglas College Business students. This is an indication of the continued strong interest of the New Westminster Chamber in the activities of Douglas College. Another event sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce will be a "Chambers Day" on April 14 at Douglas College. This will involve Chambers from the nearby municipalities. B. EXTERNAL MATTERS - EDUCATION Our first major conference was held on the Royal Avenue Site by the Adlerian Society. It involved approximately 350 people. The responses seemed to have been very positive, both to the facilities and to the College faculty and staff involved in organizing and supporting the Conference. Mr. Redmond and I attended a Ministry semi- nar on 5-Year Planning on January 24, which gave us a detailed understanding of the as- sumptions upon which the Ministry of Educa- tion is acting in asking for our 5-Year (Strategic) Plan. This meeting was followed by another full day meeting with the Council of Principals, discussing the impacts and implications of Ministry assumptions and the process of 5-Year Planning. On January 31, Mr. Geoff Shuttleworth and representative people throughout the College, Dr. Grant Fisher spent the afternoon with me, regarding the ways by which they could be of assistance to Douglas College in car- rying out our planning during the Spring. ] | | On February 7, I attended the opening of the VVI "tower" in downtown Vancouver. 1 conveyed the regrets of Mr. Emerton that he was not able to attend. The "tower" is impressive, and a much-needed addition to VVI's very overcrowded facilities. Douglas College hosted a meeting of the Provincial Bursars group on February 9 and 10. While the College did not make a pro- fit on the event, neither did it suffer a loss, Owing to the careful management of the event by Bill Morfey and Peter Green- wood! Over the last month two meetings have been held with the Lower Mainland Co-operative Planning Group, which have resulted in a re- fining of the information developed by Mr. Redmond in December. We now have very de- tailed information on Douglas College, Van- couver Community College, and Capilano Col- lege. Work is continuing to obtain and clarify information from the remaining in- | stitutions in the group. In addition, in- formal descriptions of institutional in- tended "profile" for the next five years have been exchanged among the Chief Exec- utive Officers, in order to identify points of possible difficulties. In this connec- tion, I am going to be meeting with Dr. | Fisher in Victoria next Tuesday, for fur- ther informal discussions regarding our College. Today, the College hosted a meeting of the Provincial Deans and Directors of Continu- ing Education. I am pleased to inform the Board that an agreement has recently been concluded be- tween Douglas College and Simon Fraser Uni- | versity, as a result of which the University, is contracting with Douglas College to care | ry out its English Language Screening Pro- gram, and instruction for Simon Fraser Uni- versity students who cannot meet university entrance language standards. This program will be fully self-supporting. ee