MAD HATTER PAGE 2 PARKING: NEW WESTMINSTER PERMANENT CAMPUS UPDATE A statement was made to the Other Press on October 7, 1982, outlining parking rates and the involvement of Imperial Parking Ltd. in the operation of the three level parking facility on the new site. Due to delays in completing the electri- cal aspects of the automatic control equipment at the entrances and exits it appears unlikely that this system will be in full operation until later in November . During the latter part of November ard the month of December parking rates will be as follows: Hourly - .25¢ per hour Daily Maximum - .75¢ per day Evening Maximm -—- .50¢ per day Monthly/Semester - NIL In order to relieve the pressure gen- erated by the requirement that monthly and semester parkers obtain pass cards it has been decided that these will not be issued until the new year. Ar- rangements will be made at registration in January 1983 to sell pass cards to all those individuals wishing to pay for long term parking. In order to en- sure that pass cards are returned for validation at the end of any purchased period of parking there will be a $10.00 deposit required for the card itself. This is in addition to the cost of park- ing and will be returned to the purchaser when parking is no longer required. West Graydon EDUCATIONAL LEAVE To: All Douglas College Faculty From: Ed Redmond, Administrator of Reference, Educational Leave Committee; and Jim Davies, Vice- President, Douglas-Kwantlen Fac- ulty Association This is to inform you that the deadline for submitting Educational Leave appli- cations is December 1, 1982. These re- quests will be distributed to the Educa- tional Leave Committee by Ed Redmond's office. Please contact Jean Hammer, local 10 at the Winslow Site, if you require a copy of the revised guidelines for adjudicat- ing Educational Leave requests, and re- fer to Article 12 of the Collective Agreement for further information re- lating to eligibility, etc. SWITCHBOARD OPERATORS - STRESS/ABUSE To: All staff, faculty & students. Recently two PABX Operators have broken down under stress. Some stress on this job is normal, but abuse of operators has recently increased. A faculty men ber blasted an operator for being kept on hold at a time when the board was very busy. The faculty member did not accept the explanation of the operator but continued abuse of the operator. At busier times during the day there will be delays on the board. Such delays should not be cause for anyone to heap abuse on operators. As we move into the new building same unfamiliarity with the new system may give rise to same cause for annoyance.