— ee pe gee re ommpent AAO Re er mney PAGE 4 THE OTHER PRESS OCTOBER 19TH 1983 D4 hE RS Pek OE Silly Staffbox It was a dark and stormy night. Suddenly Martin Hemerik, our new Production Coordinator yelled ‘‘Let there be light’. Immediately the production staff, including Sandra McMillan, the News Coord- inator, all began running around yelling ‘‘xerox, xerox’’ or was that “‘copy, copy’’? Meanwhile, our dedicated Photo Tech, Sean Valentini was heard to yell ‘‘not yet, I haven't finished in the dark room!”’ While Vic Cromarty kept everyone in agony by singing off key to his Robert Gordon tape, Ernest Hawker was secretly plotting to exact his revenge on him-for dressing more preppy than he did. Mary Palffy wore her red beret in the meantime and attempted to figure out how long it would take her to become a millionaire on the money she makes asAd manager. In another room,DanHilborn wrote a_ stunning review of the book The Right Stuff and had Craig Bottomfish whip up a quick illo. Dave Watson and lan Lyon spent the balance of the evening trying to figure out how they were going to explain to everyone that they spent the entire Winnipeg drunk and can’t remember a thing. Lisa Greenlies has temporarily decided not to pursue her plan of world domination and will instead open a Holistic Health recording studio in downtown Delta. Cathy Makowichuk, a front runner in the smart but shy competition at the paper, is anticipating having a really wild moving out party. Caroline Hardon spent the early evening laying out the back page and feeling good because she didn’t have to use her Ventolin. Bill *hardwick had been there earlier, but had disappeared to head a high level task force on the problem of eccentric student newspapers. Brian Pharez showed everyone his new buttons, including the one from his new singles club. Eddy bs MALT LIQUOR UQUEUR DE MALT Bikes uacon mace HOSEA : oo MALT LIQUOR LIQUEUR DE MALT amr ae Reset 34 ruattres wrecorwase OO = ACLNG OKEEFE BREWERIES | VERT Oe aoe : 3% Carine okeere BREWEY .. VANCQUYER CAP Bill’s Bills Bad Okay, let’s talk budget. Lis- ten up, this is important. You say that you came here to be educated, uh huh, what does by M.Mary Palffy Bill 6 say? How does it affect you? Do you know? Do you care? ‘“‘The Education Finance Amendment Act gives the minister powers to supervise budgets and expenditures by each school board.’’ Do you keep hearing things like ‘‘sor- ty, we don’t have the money to give you”’ or “‘lack of funds, no can do.’’ If there is a lack of funds, why did U.B.C. Chan- cellor Peterson receive a mere half a million dollars to refurb- ish his residence? Just some- thing to think about on a Socred rainy day. Education for the Elite? Here’s another one. See how you like this; Bill 5 says, ‘‘The Residential Tenancy Act replaces the existing Residen- tial Tenancy Act and elimin- ates rent review and the Office of the Rentalsman by Septem- ber 30, 1984. It transfers the jurisdiction of the rentalsman in disputes to the courts, effective October 1. Landlords are given the power to evict “‘without cause.’’ Now ‘‘love thy neighbour’’ takes on a new meaning. You have to live with them if vour landlord Alexander came in to discuss his new three dee photo process and was distracted by flashing lights on Ann Haroh’s typesetting machine. doesn’t take to you for some oo Keep your bags pack- ed. Okay, had enough? Just one more to make your day. How are you feeling, anyway? Don’t get down and above all, don’t get sick. Your doctor is no longer your friend. First off, if you do get sick, can you afford to go to your doctor? Have you paid your medical premiums lately? What if you need ‘pills’-or other medicine, can you face the smile and the bill that your pharmacist gives you? Oh, one more, there’ll be a dispensing fee, please. Just wanted to give you some free education. Bye now, stock up on apples. Value Cheques The Women’s basketball team will be selling the remainder of Kathy Nichols and Stewart Woolverton read all the palms and suggested somewhere in the Middle East as a good place to hide. Peter Julian, on a leave of absence from the U.N., dropped by to use our phone for long distance calls, ostensibly to Dam Hilborn, Canada’s newest ambas- their Value Cheques on Thursday October 20 in the concourse. The funds go towards setting up a scholarship fund as well as new uniforms for the team. However sador to East Tibor. Hopefully we didn’t leave anyone out. Murray Budden and Wendy van Halderer will not appear in this article however, as we forgot them. Okerre Brewere> RCE: CAMADS they have been going fast so get them while you can. They are only$6 and have over $600 worth of coupons with discounts rang- from fast foods to plush hotels. Initiation MAY LIQUOR _ UQUEUR BE meer * Wen mane SEB, atc vo ey Oke, BR = RIES NCS ct rite et