RET Sometimes Are I learned two important, yet seeming- ly unrelated, this computers suck and always think before you speak. Last week, while trying to double- check my facts about Voltron, the Transformer made up of five robotic lessons week: jungle cats, a strange pop-up screen appeared like a poltergeist before my OG Opinions Editor very eyes. “Warning,” it read, “Norton AntiVirus has detected a Trojan Virus,” or something like that. Before I could even panic and hit the belly- button (my name for my computer’s on/off button), another window appeared informing me not to com- mit hari-kari yet, for the virus had been quarantined. I sighed with joy, shut down all systems, and trusted that I’'d gleaned enough information about Voltron to last me a day or two. The next time I logged on, every- You are not alone The Students’ Union’s Pride Collective provides resources for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered students at the college. The Collective meets Thursdays at 4:30 in room 328 in the students’ union building at the New Westminster Campus. All lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered, questioning and allied students are welcome. Douglas Sane Union Canadian Federation of Students Local 18 8 | OUNEPPPESS thing began fine enough. I checked my e-mail, opened no attachments, and began to merrily surf around looking for a picture of the Pope’s hat. Suddenly, my cursor began to slow down. Web pages began loading at (gasp) dial-up speeds, and a whole host of pop-up ads invaded my com- puter, ending with one of those “critical error” messages that we all love so much. I cursed a blue streak and hit the belly button, hard. When I informed a techie friend that I’d let my virus definitions lapse, he looked at me like I’d just screwed his dog. All week, I’ve spent multiple hours listening to Symantec record- ings, hitting the appropriate number, and smoking countless cigarettes while on hold. Norton AntiVirus hereby can kiss my white ass. I took my computer up to the computer shop to get it “fixed.” I got it back this morning, plugged everything in, and the same thing started happening again, except now I’ve got two articles to write, a newspaper section to edit, and a quiz to study for—all before 5pm. Not that I’m the type of writer to leave things until the last moment, or anything. So I did what any other writer would do, I called a friend to go for breakfast and talk about old-skool Hiphop. My call went straight through to her voicemail, and in my state of aggravation at the world’s numerous injustices, I left what I thought was a funny message. My friend is currently dealing with the murder of her moth- er, and I should have remembered that before I yelled, “We’re all going to die someday!” into her voicemail. I realized what I’d done just as the words left my mouth. I began to stam- mer an apology, but quickly grasped the impossibility of any repair. The damage was done. I hung up and did what any writer would do, jumped in the shower and felt much shame. Never underestimate the recupera- tive powers of a good hot shower. I formulated a plan that went some- thing like this: grab my two favourite new import CDs and a joint as peace a] = ° S ° > sg w = @ 5 > ° a gq < offerings, and high-tail it down to said friend’s place to grovel, apologize, and sing her praises. 1 approached her door with trepidation. Knocking light- ly, I let myself in. She was in the kitchen doing dishes, banging and clanging things around like crazy. I was about to commence with the beg- ging for forgiveness when I noticed something flashing from the corner of the room. A red light on the phone, indicating messages waiting, I belayed the pleading and said nonchalantly, “Did ya get my message this morn- ing?” “Not yet,’ she said. “What did it say?” “Uh... nothing really,’ I said, sup- pressing a smirk. I picked up the phone, dialed *98, and erased the message before she could say another word. “You know those e-mails you get from time to time with ‘ten things you can do to protect your computer’ in them?” I said, quickly recovering. “We should really all read those.” SEPuEMDEF ag/a0nu