aq MEMORANDUM To: MAD HATTER From: MARY MATTHEWS March 10th, 1986 Re: NEW AUDIO VISUAL ACQUISITIONS One for my Baby 16 mm Film 28 mins. This film is designed to educate the viewer about the effects of consuming alcohol during pregnancy and warns against the dangers of doing so. It explains the birth defect known as fetal alcohol syndrome. A Pain in the Back (Nature of Things) VHS 28 mins. This program personalizes the causes, effects and treatments of various back problems by exploring the cases of several sufferers of diverse backgrounds. It concludes that while surgery may sometimes be necessary, rest and responsible modifications of life-style constitute the best therapy for most people. Why Unions? . 16 mm Film 11 mins. Using bank employees in British Columbia and employees of the Michelin Tire Company in Nova Scotia as case studies, this film argues that blue and white collar workers can benefit from unionization. It offers a condensed version of the information provided in Who Wants Unions, and in addition includes comments by United Auto Workers' President, Bob White, on the benefits realized by both unionized and non-union workers as a result of the union movement. Oscar Peterson VHS 15 mins. This is a profile of a Canadian musician who found fame and fortune interpreting American Jazz. Peterson is interviewed by W5's Bill Cunningham. Mary Matthews MM: jrh