ASHALA | AOUG LAS WWLELE A Dp COMLE CHIVES Enforcement of the policy, if approved, is always the most difficult aspect of its existence. It is recommended, there- fore, that a directive be issued to all members of the College cammmnity - faculty, staff, administrators, students - to encourage their co-operation in this matter. That is, a little in-house ad- vertising will no doubt be required and helpful. RESTRICTED SMOKING POLICY FOR NEW WESTMINSTER PERMANENT CAMPUS: First Draft Proposal: Smoking shall be restricted to the use of cigarettes only. That is, cigars, pipes, etcetera shall not be smoked on College property. Cigarette smoking is to be restricted to only those areas listed below, unless from time to time, an ad- ditional policy restricts smoking furth- er. Smoking Permitted: Roof decks, plazas, including all areas exterior to the building. Concourse area of the building. Portions of both Cafeterias 1200 & 2400. Curriculum field bases - unless designated non-smoking by the department (s) occupied by that base. Employee Lounges - Rooms 2120, 2847, 3304, and 4605. Board Room 4920 and Boardroom Lounge 4925. Conference Roams - unless designated non- smoking by signage. Cermonial Entrance Foyer 4104. Guoking Not Permitted: General Business Areas (effectively any open office area housing 1 or more occup- ants) . Classrooms Labs and support spaces to laboratories. Library (both levels), smoking in 2120 only. lecture Theatres Performing Theatre and support areas back- stage excepting only the Green Room. Instructional Media Services. Tech, Services - with the possible ex- ception of private offices. Gymnasium - floor or bleacher areas. P.E./Rec. teaching areas/labs. | Bookstore and Bookstore Storage. | Storage/Service areas - including Jan- itors' Rooms, Storage Rooms, Llectrical Telephone Rooms, etc. Corridors (unless ash urns PR iaeety os in theater foyers). A smoking/non-smoking policy has not been attempted for any of the associations housed within the new facility: Student Society & The Other Press Society (Room 2300 series). B.C.G.E.U. Office (Room 4304) Faculty Association Rooms 3330, 3331, 3332. It is therefore left to these three groups to determine their own policy for roams as identified to their use. RELATING MAPS AND CHARTS TO BLIND STUDENTS One big problem facing blind students and their instructors is how to deal with maps, charts, and graphs containing pertinent in- formation. I was faced with this issue my- self in doing mobility training for Agnes and McBride sites. The blind person found Agnes Site easy and straight forward; one tour down the hall an she felt reasonably confident. Training he: for McBride Site was another story. She needed to get to the library, the washroam, and her classroom in the 700 building. (I had trained her for the 300 building, but the class was moved on the second night.) She found the campus confusing. My brain- storm was LEGOS. I could build a tactile map of the campus indicating positions of