LIBERAL STUDIES GRAVE DIGGERS DOING THEIR THING Last week the Department received a phone call froma lady in Crescent Beach who reported that she had seen what appeared to be the top of a human skull showing through the soil on the side of a ditch dug for the new sewage system. Thig message sent Alan McMillan and anthropology student Rob Gargett rushing off with shovels, brushes, tape measures, cameras, sketch pads, ropes and express- ions of eager enthusiasm. The result of their labours was an interesting collection of Coast Salish Indian bones which now occupy a place of honour in the Anthropology Lab in Surrey. Alan and his students will be digging again this summer when they start the six week Anthropology Field Studies Courge (24-190) on another Coast Salish site at Port Moody. OOOO OOOO OO UH A POSTSCRIPT TO THE RETREAT I would like to express my thanks to those who emptied and to those who collected the bottles at the Retreat. The collection yielded the sum of $7 for the Tibetan Refugee Aid Society. Barry Leach. OOOO OOOO Ai Help Needed for Pakistani Continual outbreaks of cholera, the onset of the mon- soon season, lack of shelter and food have all made the pe the growing num- r of Pakistani refdgees more miserable each day. During the next few months some 120 inches of rain will fall on the area leaving road- sides and overcrowded tent camps where many of the refugees manage to exist swamped with mud. The need is for cash. It © remains the quickest, most effective form of assistance. There are banks close to you, throughout Surrey and White Rock, where contributions will be accepted, ‘Cash to provide food, med- icines, relief supplies of ail kinds and temporary shelter is urgently needed. Nine major organizations (Canad- ian Catholic Organization for ‘Development and Peace, Can- adian Council of Churches, Canadian Red Cross Society, ‘Canadian Save the Children Fund, Canadian UNICEF Committee, CARE of Can- ada, OXFAM of Canada, Unit- ed Nations High Commiss- jon for Refugees, World - Vision of Canada) have join- ed forces to form the Com- bined Appeal for Pakistani Relief (CAPR), and are ‘wor to provide immed- iate aid through a concerted — raising effort. ‘ou may contribute to CAPR by sending cash dona- a or ee to any of e participa organiza- tions listed above, to the church of your choice, or to Pakistani Relief at Box 1000, Station “F’, Toronto 5, On- tario or Box 200, Station ‘H”, Montreal 107, Quebec.