humour / 22 A Practical Guide to Icebreaker Games Brad McLeod, Contributor (The Peak) Ww it’s the start of new semester and that can only mean several things! One of those things is playing a hell of a lot of Icebreaker Games, your first opportunity of the semester to introduce yourself to the people who over the next 13 weeks might just become some of your closest acquaintances! These games can be tough though, so it’s important for you to know how to conduct yourself properly. Remember: the impression you make here is how your peers will think of you for the entire remainder of the first class! (After that they’ll go back to judging you based on your looks like the rest of the : world) Anyways, here’s a basic guide to some of the most important things to remember in order to make your icebreaker : introduction memorable this week. 1. Attend Class : This is definitely the most : difficult step but if you want to doa good job in your icebreaker : games, youre probably going : to have to actually show up to : the first week of class. I know : it’s pointless and they'll just : go over everything again next : week, but as famous nervous : person Woody Allen once said : “showing up is 80 per cent of : success.”* : *This statement should : not be confused with “showing : up will get you 80 per cent, : success!” which I learned the : hard way on my English 203 : final exam last semester. 2. Pretend to be : Interesting : No matter what icebreaker game youre doing, you will : almost always be asked to : say something interesting : about yourself, This can be : very challenging since you are : probably a very boring person, : but just remember that the : phrase “I'd like to say more : but I promised Barack that I : wouldn’t” can make any boring : old male strip-club story more : interesting. : 3. Always One Up the : Person Beside You : While being yourself is : important in an ice breaker : game, if you really want to be : remembered, you are going to : have to be better than everyone : else. So, if the class is going : around the room each saying : what one thing they would : bring with them to a desert : island and the person next to : you says “well I’'d probably bring : : my iPod because I love music,” : you have to take it up a notch : and say “well I’d probably bring : my iPhone because I love music: : too, but I’m richer than you... : plus I could use it to call The : Rolling Stones who are friends : of mine.” : 4. Lie as Often as : Possible This should be pretty obvious, : but if you don’t already : constantly lie in your everyday : life, you should at least do it : during an icebreaker game. “Two truths and a lie” is always : much more difficult than “Two : lies and a third more ridiculous : lie” 5. Pretend to Not bea : Horrible Racist : This one might not be quite : as obvious as some of the : others, but unlike most social : situations, racism is actually : frowned upon during ice : breaker games. I know it can : be very tempting if you have to : introduce a fellow student to : the class, to comment on their : inferior bone structure but you : should probably be advised to stick to just describing their : hobbies, goals and body odor. 5 Free Interesting Facts about Yourself * | was the inspiration for Roseanne Barr’s character on the ABC sitcom Roseanne * Icansolvea Rubik’s Cube in under five hours * Twas the one who came up with the idea for peanut butter * Icanname every US state capital except Olympia + Thave the same birthday as Abraham Lincoln: February 12th, 1809